Latest News

11 Luglio 2024

The Aviation and Aerospace Working Group (AAWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is organizing a participation at the 15th China...

09 Luglio 2024

On July 4th, on the occasion of the mission to China of the Italian Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT), Sen. Adolfo Urso, the ...

09 Luglio 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce that a new Networking Lunch took place on Thursday, July 4th, at La Platea (CBD...

Interchamber Summer Networking_ Post Event
21 Giugno 2016

On June 15th, in Park Square, took place the Interchamber Summer Networking BBQ organized by the German Chamber of commerce in collaboration with the China Italy Chamber of Commerce, French Chamber, Swiss Chamber, European Chamber, Ischam, Bencham, and Swedish Chamber.

Look over the Great Wall: AN UNMISSABLE AND CHALLENGING OPPORTUNITY, June 16th, Shanghai
16 Giugno 2016

Look over the Great Wall: AN UNMISSABLE AND CHALLENGING OPPORTUNITY, June 16th, Shanghai

Banca dati su accordi di collaborazione tra universita' e centri di ricerca
15 Giugno 2016

Cari soci e amici della CCIC,

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina e’ lieta di informarvi che e’ disponibile una banca dati dove poter individuare accordi di collaborazione in essere tra università e centri di ricerca Italiani e Cinesi.

China, what’s next? - Post event
15 Giugno 2016

In data 03 Giugno 2016, si e’ tenuto presso l’istituto di cultura Italiana in Cina, il networking event “China, what’s next?” organizzato dal Politecnico di Milano in collaborazione con la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina.

Postponement of Bibenda Wine Masterclass 2016
15 Giugno 2016

Dear Members and Friends, 

We would like to inform you that “Bibenda Wine Masterclass” will start next Wednesday, June 15th.
Please register by sending an email to, within June 13th




Riunione Soci circoscrizione di Shanghai 21 maggio_Minute
14 Giugno 2016

Di seguito il link per scaricare le minute della Riunione Soci_Circoscrizione di Shanghai.

Seminario: "Come fare E-Commerce in Cina"
08 Giugno 2016

La Camera di Commercio di Biella in collaborazione con l’EUSME Centre di Pechino, il centro servizi dell’Unione Europea specializzato sul mercato cinese, e con la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina organizza il seguente seminario in lingua inglese.


8th Italian Cuisine and Wines World Summit Beijing
07 Giugno 2016

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in P.R.C. and the Italian Trade Agency – Beijing Office, promote the "8th Italian Cuisine and Wines World Summit Beijing".

Business Chinese Evening Workshop Chongqing - Post Event
02 Giugno 2016

On Monday May 31st and Wednesday June 1st, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with YourMandarin Chinese Language Institute, organized the Business Chinese Evening Workshops at Spazio Italia.

June 2nd - 70th Anniversary of the Republic of Italy
02 Giugno 2016


Each year on the 2nd of June Italy celebrates the Day of the Republic, to commemorate the institutional referendum held in 1946. In this occasion, for the first time by universal suffrage, Italian people were asked to decide for the form of government, republic or monarchy, following the fall of Fascism and the end of World War II.


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