Latest News

11 Luglio 2024

The Aviation and Aerospace Working Group (AAWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is organizing a participation at the 15th China...

09 Luglio 2024

On July 4th, on the occasion of the mission to China of the Italian Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT), Sen. Adolfo Urso, the ...

09 Luglio 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce that a new Networking Lunch took place on Thursday, July 4th, at La Platea (CBD...

POST EVENT: Webinar on Covid-19 South China situation – 9th March,2020
11 Marzo 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the Webinar on Covid-19 South China situation was successfully held on 9th March, 2020.

POST EVENT - Webinar: “SMEs Crisis Management” – March 6th 2020
11 Marzo 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the webinar on the “SMEs Crisis Management” was successfully held with the collaboration of the Benelux Chamber of Commerce and the EU SME Centre on Friday, March 6th.

POST EVENT: Suzhou Chapter & Metalworking Engineering WG joint Open Meeting, March 6th
10 Marzo 2020

POST EVENT: Suzhou Chapter & Metalworking Engineering WG joint Open Meeting, March 6th

Post Event: "CICC ​Food&Beverage Working Group Open Meeting", March 5th
10 Marzo 2020

Post Event: "CICC ​Food&Beverage Working Group Open Meeting", March 5th

Summary of updated official policies and news on the COVID-19, 9/03/2020
09 Marzo 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

To keep you up to date with the updated official information, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce prepared the weekly summary of official policies (3rd– 9th of March 2020) and news on the COVID-19 divided by districts, click HERE to read it.

Webinar - Interpretation of Shanghai's 28 Support Measures, March 12th 2020
09 Marzo 2020

Webinar - Interpretation of Shanghai's 28 Support Measures, March 12th

Elezione Consiglio Direttivo Biennio 2020-2021 - Convocazione Assemblea Generale Elettiva- POSTICIPATA - 28 aprile 2020
06 Marzo 2020

il Consiglio Direttivo della CCIC, riunitosi il 5 Marzo 2020, considerati gli effetti negativi che l’epidemia COVID-19 sta causando a livello globale e in particolar modo in Cina e in Italia, ha deciso di posticipare la data dell’Assemblea Generale Elettiva (biennio 2020-2021) al 28 aprile 2020.

Elezione Consiglio Direttivo Biennio 2020-2021- 28 aprile 2020 - REGOLAMENTO
06 Marzo 2020

Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina​ - Elezioni 2020 - Regolamento

L’elezione delle cariche sociali per il biennio 2020-21 è affidata all’Assemblea ("Assemblea Elettiva").

L’Assemblea Elettiva è convocata per il giorno 28 Aprile 2020 alle ore 9:00 am.

L’Assemblea Elettiva si svolge a Pechino, presso l’Auditorium dell’Istituto di Cultura, Ambasciata d’Italia, 2 Sanlitun Dong Er Jie (北京市朝阳区三里屯东二街2号).

Elections postponed - Sport Working Group (SWG) - Italy China Travel Club (ICTC) Working Group Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators Elections
06 Marzo 2020

Dear CICC Members and Friends,

The Italy China Travel Club (ICTC) Working Group and the Sport Working Group (SWG) will be merged into a single Working Group.

The ICTC – SWG Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators Elections, scheduled on March 10th, will be postponed to a later date (to be confirmed) following the Elections of CICC’s Board of Directors, scheduled on April 28th.

Post event:Webinar on COVID-19: China Southwest Situation - March 5th 2020
05 Marzo 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the Webinar on COVID–19: China Southwest Situation  was held on Thursday, March 5th.



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