Event Recap | Aperitif with Italian Women in Shenzhen

13 Marzo 2024

On March 8th, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) organized a celebration of International Women's Day at the Shenzhen Dragon Club. The event brought together Italian and Chinese women from various fields to boost connections and new synergies within the community.



The evening started with a buffet of Italian finger foods, featuring simple delicious dishes paired with sparkling wine to set the festive mood. Guests also enjoyed Italian gelato, adding a sweet touch to the celebration.



The event provided a platform for Italian women to connect, exchange ideas, and celebrate their accomplishments. Representatives from diverse industries, including business, academia, fashion, and culture, engaged in lively conversations, fostering meaningful connections, and inspiring one another.


The CICC expressed its appreciation to the Shenzhen Dragon Club for providing the perfect setting for the celebration and to all participants for their enthusiasm and support. The event concluded on a high note, with attendees departing with fond memories and renewed inspiration to continue empowering women in their respective fields.

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