Reminder Online Elections - Elective General Assembly 2018

13 Aprile 2018


Regarding the Elective General Assembly 2018, we kindly remind to all CICC Members that: 


  • Online elections are run starting from April 13th (9:00 am)  to April 18th (6:00 pm), using e-ballot trusted platform.


  • You will receive the invitation for the e-Vote just if you completed the CICC membership procedure for 2018 (both payment and registration on CICC CRM platform) by April 17th at 6:00 pm.


  • You will receive the link to vote at the email address specified under the “Communication with CICC Email” section on our CRM  platform.


  • Members mailing list will be constantly updated. Members who have the right to vote will receive the e-vote link by April 18th at 9:00 am.


For further information or support please contact CICC staff only at

Kind regards,


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