F&B Working Group (FBWG)


Cristiano Bernardi
Founder of F5 & CEO


In the District of Beijing (North China): Fabio Falanga


In the District of Shanghai (East China): Candido Mormile

Co-owner and Legal Counsel of Kang Lai (Shanghai) Industrial Co., Ltd. | Founder of Lunanera Italian Winery Association

WG Presentation: 
No document available
Next scheduled meeting: 
WG Specs: 
No document available

The F&BWG Working Group includes all companies working in the F&B / Ho.Re.Ca sector, such as manufacturers, companies that import Italian products to China, Italian restaurants, etc. Despite being one of the most fragmented and challenged sectors, F&B represents an incredible opportunity for Italian companies. This is why the CICC has decided to establish a dedicated working group.


What we do
The F&BWG promotes joint promotional activities and events, in order to avoid fragmentation and maximize the marketing appeal of Italian food culture.


Benefits for WG Members
Take part in the biggest Italian F&B community, exposition during the B2B and B2C events. The F&B working group keeps institutions and authorities constantly updated to raise awareness of the major challenges faced by its members in the Chinese market. The working group launched a WeChat Mini Program to enhance the online exposure of the members and drive traffic to their e-commerce platforms.


For more information, please contact infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com


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Website Maintenance China | flow.asia

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