Latest News

28 Giugno 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is looking for a Web Development and Web Design Provider to redevelop its website.

27 Giugno 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to a new Networking Lunch in Beijing that will be held on Thursday,...

27 Giugno 2024

On June 25, 2024, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) was delighted to participate in the grand ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of ...

Monthly Job Board Update - 9 September 2020
09 Settembre 2020

China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to introduce the newly opened Job Board on the CICC website. The Job Board offers a platform to both companies and candidates who are looking for new job opportunities, benefiting from the abroad job market in China and collecting more information on CICC Members and Friends. It currently Contains more than 60 job offers all around China, including most of the biggest Italian corporations, growing SMEs and international organizations and 74 Cvs already received.

True Italian Taste - Italian Mozzarella Recipe
09 Settembre 2020

n this Episode, we talk about Mozzarella, a true treasure of Mediterranean cuisine, third most exported Italian kind of cheese and also one of the most appreciated appetizers of Italian tables. The history of mozzarella goes back very far History, being already quoted by the ancient roman author Pliny the Elder in his Naturalis Historia In the first century AD, we have certain proves of chains of production of mozzarella in the southern and central  Italy since the 14th and 15th century.

POST EVENT: Harbin Online Investment Promotion to Europe, 3rd Sept. 2020
09 Settembre 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

On September 3, 2020 Harbin to Europe Online Investment Convention was successfully held in Harbin city. Harbin mayor Sun Zhe, and some other county governments leaders, as well as Heilongjiang Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, and other prefectural foreign affairs office leaders attended the ceremony. European business associations, well-known enterprises and representatives from European countries attended the online conference.

CICC and ICBC - B2B Matchmaking collaboration for CIIE 2020
08 Settembre 2020

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) in cooperation with ICBC, is glad to present the 3rd China International Import Expo (CIIE), that will be held in Shanghai on Friday 6th November 2020. 

Post Event - True Italian Taste – Masterclass History and Tradition of Italian Cheese Shanghai Sept. 5th, 2020
07 Settembre 2020

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that the “True Italian Taste – Masterclass History and Tradition of Italian Cheese” has been successfully held in Shanghai on Saturday September 5th.

POST EVENT: Networking Dinner in Nanjing, 4th September 2020
07 Settembre 2020

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that the Networking Dinner in Nanjing has been held on the 4th of September at La Mia Casa Restaurant successfully involving more than 35 participants among companies, Chinese partners and professionals.

CICC Suzhou Office Visits Wujiang Foreign Affairs Office and Wujiang Commerce Bureau
02 Settembre 2020

CICC Suzhou Office Visits Wujiang Foreign Affairs Office and Wujiang Commerce Bureau

The Tripartite Meeting: CICC, CQLJ and SFH - September 2nd, Chongqing
02 Settembre 2020

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

On September 2nd, 2020, Mr. Paolo Bazzoni, Chairman of CICC and Mr. Li Guang, the Vice President of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Investment Invitation Group, have visited to Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd. (SFH) with CICC Board Member Mr. Gianluca Luisi, and attended the tripartite meeting which organized by the high level management team of SFH.

Masterclass: History and Tradition of Italian Cheese - Shanghai, September 5th 2020
27 Agosto 2020

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to present the Masterclass “History and Tradition of Italian Cheese”, that will be held on Saturday 5th of September at Casa Giulio in Shanghai.

CICC Chongqing Promotion Center: Co-working spaces available!
26 Agosto 2020

The spacious China-Italy Chamber of Commerce Chongqing Office has the possibility to offer desks to companies and Members for working with own workstation in a dynamic and Italian atmosphere.


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