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09 Gennaio 2025

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to extend its warmest invitation to the 2025 Nanjing Appreciation Meeting, which will be held on January 9th, 2025, in Nanjing.

Nanjing, a city steeped in history and culture, is quickly emerging as a global center for industrial and technological innovation. With a strong emphasis on international collaboration, it continues to attract foreign investments and welcomes a growing number of international enterprises.

05 Novembre 2016

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina collabora con il Consolato Genererale d'Italia a Chongqing per la partecizione alla 14° edizione della China International Agricultural Trade Fair (CATF) che si terrà a Kunming dal 5 al 8 novembre 2016.

La fiera e’ organizzata dal Ministero dell’Agricoltura cinese e dal Governo della Provincia dello Yunnan.

Costi di partecipazione (compresi di sconto del 20%):

- 8000RMB per standard booth (9 m²)

03 Novembre 2016



Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC,

03 Novembre 2016

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina collabora con il Consolato Genererale d'Italia a Chongqing per la partecizione alla 16° edizione della Western China International Fair (WCIF) che si terrà a Chengdu dal 3 al 6 novembre 2016.

26 Ottobre 2016

After the success of the first three appointments of the Business Chinese Evening Workshop, new sessions for the fall-winter season are coming!

22 Ottobre 2016




22 Ottobre 2016

In occasion of the Italian Language Week, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with Guangdong University of Foreign StudiesConsulate General of Italy in Guangzhou, FESCO Adecco and Gianni Origoni Grippo Cappelli & Partners in alliance with Han Kun Law Offices, organizes the 1st Guangzhou Career Day on October 22nd, from 13:45 to 18:00 at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 2 Baiyun Dadao Bei, Baiyun District, Guangzhou (广州市白云区白云大道北2号广东外语外贸大学).

20 Ottobre 2016

The China- Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the ”Autumn InterChamber Mixer”, which will be held on Thursday, October 20th 6:00 - 9:00 PM at The Grand Hyatt Chengdu @Ximi Bar.  Address: n 8 South Chunxi Road, Jinjiang District Chengdu 地址:群光君悦酒店15层酒吧“戏迷” - 成都市锦江区春熙路南段8号.

18 Ottobre 2016

The China - Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the following event:

Bookings are mandatory at:

13 Ottobre 2016

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is collaborating with the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing for the organization of the China Sichuan Cross-border E-commerce Commodity Trade Exhibition that will be held in Mianyang from October 13th-15th 2016 in the Mianyang Science & Technology City Exhibition Center 绵阳科技城会展中心 (Address: 绵阳市高新区飞云大道 488 号 No. 488 Feiyun Avenue, High-tech Zone, Mianyang City).

13 Ottobre 2016

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is collaborating with the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing for the organization of the 4th Chongqing Ariticles Trade and Exhibition that will be held in Chongqing from October 13th-16th 2016 in the Chongqing Yuelai International Convention and Exhibition Center- N8.

Official website of the Fair available here.


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