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29 Luglio 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite the Sino-Italian business community to a new Networking Evening in Beijing.  


The event will take place on Monday, July 29th, 2024, starting from 8:00pm at Giada Garden.



29 Luglio 2024

On the occasion of BFIC Business Forum Italy-China mission to Beijing, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and Confindustria, with the support of the Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C., the Italian Trade AgencyCassa Depositi e Prestiti, SIMEST and Sace, are glad to host the CICC & Confindustria China Roundtable - Italy Investing in China: Trends and Perspectives on Monday, 29th July 2024 starting from 

30 Luglio 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), in collaboration with its Young Professional Network (China-Italy Young Professional Network 中Y意), is organizing “Webinar on Navigating Careers: Insights for International Students in China” on July 30th, 2024.




- Gain insights into the employment environment in China.

- Receive expert guidance on career planning tailored for international students.

- Network with professionals and peers in the industry.


17 Febbraio 2011

Il Chinese New Year Inter-Chamber Networking Drinks e’ un occasione per far entrare in contatto i nuovi memebri con quelli gia’ esistenti, per incontrare il personale della Camera, i Direttori e i membri del Comitato, in modo da poter avere una conoscenza piu’ approfondita dei servizi e delle attivita’ offerte dalle Camere.
Le Camere ti invitano a portare con te amici, familiari e colleghi, per celebrare insieme questa festa tradizionale, beneficiando di bevande a prezzo speciale e snack gratuiti.

26 Gennaio 2011

This special cocktail brings new and existing members together to exchange contacts, to meet Chamber Staff, Board of Directors and Committee Members, and to learn more about the Chambers’ services and activities.


The Chambers encourage you to bring friends and colleagues and to forward this invitation to your business partners. We also appreciate your ongoing support in introducing new members’ prospects to our team.


24 Gennaio 2011

China is the source of most counterfeit products. Due to the growing numbers of overseas investments, companies, and foreign technologies that enter into China, the subject of Intellectual Property rights tends to take a place that cannot be ignored in the daily business of foreign companies. This lecture would particularly interest companies that want to protect their brands, designs and patents during their various activities in China, lawyers and people who are curious and interested to discover and know more about IPR.


15 Dicembre 2010


14 Dicembre 2010

Come and enjoy the Beijing Christmas atmosphere on the occasion of this special event that will provide you an opportunity to network, exchange contacts and meet Chambers’ staff.


The Chambers encourage you to bring friends and colleagues and to forward this invitation to your business partners.


11 Dicembre 2010

Christmas Festival


09 Dicembre 2010

InterChamber Christmas Mixer

Come and celebrate the tradition!

07 Dicembre 2010

Strumenti per migliorare performance
e processi in realtà aziendali italiane in Cina

L’audit annuale non solo come obbligo normativo


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