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29 Luglio 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite the Sino-Italian business community to a new Networking Evening in Beijing.  


The event will take place on Monday, July 29th, 2024, starting from 8:00pm at Giada Garden.



29 Luglio 2024

On the occasion of BFIC Business Forum Italy-China mission to Beijing, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and Confindustria, with the support of the Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C., the Italian Trade AgencyCassa Depositi e Prestiti, SIMEST and Sace, are glad to host the CICC & Confindustria China Roundtable - Italy Investing in China: Trends and Perspectives on Monday, 29th July 2024 starting from 

30 Luglio 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), in collaboration with its Young Professional Network (China-Italy Young Professional Network 中Y意), is organizing “Webinar on Navigating Careers: Insights for International Students in China” on July 30th, 2024.




- Gain insights into the employment environment in China.

- Receive expert guidance on career planning tailored for international students.

- Network with professionals and peers in the industry.


25 Gennaio 2013

Dress code: finest Italian designer thread and party dawn.
Cover charge: 100 rmb
7/F, Bund 18, No.18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, near Nanjing Dong Road, Bar Rouge
中山东一路18号7楼, 近南京东路
FREE ENTRANCE UNTIL 00:00 with the password provided to CICC Members and friends.
To know the secret password send an e-mail to

22 Gennaio 2013


La presentazione della monografia 150 della rivista di studi sulla Cina contemporanea Mondo Cinese è` un’occasione importante per focalizzare l’attenzione sull’ascesa della Cina come superpotenza scientificadel XXI secolo.

Saranno presenti alcuni degli autori che hanno contribuito al volume per una tavola rotonda sul tema:“L’innovazione è Made in China”.


Coordinerà la tavola rotonda Stefania Stafutti, direttore dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura


17 Gennaio 2013

Optimize Productivity & ERP Template Rollouts to China
Thursday, January 17th 2013


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