Guangzhou office

Address: Room 1201-1202, Garden Hotel,

               No.368 Huanshi Dong Road

               Garden Tower, Guangzhou, 510064

Tel: 0086-20-83652682

Fax: 0086-20-83652983



Interchamber Business Networking - Guangzhou, September 3rd, 2019

03 September 2019
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong, the Australian Chamber of Commerce-South China, the Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China, the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, the German Chamber of Commerce-South and Southwest China, the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce in China and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China, is glad to invite you to the Interchamber Business Networking, that will be held in Guangzhou on September 3rd, at the Crowne Plaza(广东省广州市环市东路339号广州中心皇冠假日酒店). An inspiring evening provided with free flow of Daiquiris, Mojitos, Soft drinks, Wine and complimentary finger food.    Schedule: 18:30 - 19:00 Registration 19:00 - 22:00 Networking   Price: The Interchamber Business Networking fee is 220 RMB/PAX for Members and 330 RMB/PAX for Non-Members. Early – bird price before August 23rd is 200 RMB/PAX for Members and 300 RMB/PAX for Non-Members.   Registration: To book a ticket please send an e-mail to by September 1st, including the following information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number   Kind regards, CICC Team

Interchamber Business Networking - Shenzhen, September 10th, 2019

10 September 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong, the Australian Chamber of Commerce-South China, the Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China, the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, the German Chamber of Commerce-South and Southwest China, the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce in China and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China, is glad to invite you to the Interchamber Business Networking, that will be held in Shenzhen on September 10th, at the Langham Shenzhen(深圳市福田区深南大道 7888 号深圳朗廷酒店Star Room 2). An inspiring evening provided with free flow of Daiquiris, Mojitos, Soft drinks, Wine and complimentary finger food.  Schedule: 18:30 - 19:00 Registration 19:00 - 22:00 Networking   Price: The Interchamber Business Networking fee is 220 RMB/PAX for Members and 330 RMB/PAX for Non-Members. Early – bird price before August 30th is 200 RMB/PAX for Members and 300 RMB/PAX for Non-Members.   Registration: To book a ticket please send an e-mail to by September 8th, including the following information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number   Kind regards, CICC Team

Interchamber Business Networking - Guangzhou, September 3rd, 2019

03 September 2019
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong, the Australian Chamber of Commerce-South China, the Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China, the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, the German Chamber of Commerce-South and Southwest China, the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce in China and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China, is glad to invite you to the Interchamber Business Networking, that will be held in Guangzhou on September 3rd, at the Crowne Plaza(广东省广州市环市东路339号广州中心皇冠假日酒店). An inspiring evening provided with free flow of Daiquiris, Mojitos, Soft drinks, Wine and complimentary finger food.    Schedule: 18:30 - 19:00 Registration 19:00 - 22:00 Networking   Price: The Interchamber Business Networking fee is 220 RMB/PAX for Members and 330 RMB/PAX for Non-Members. Early – bird price before August 23rd is 200 RMB/PAX for Members and 300 RMB/PAX for Non-Members.   Registration: To book a ticket please send an e-mail to by September 1st, including the following information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number   Kind regards, CICC Team

CICC Guangdong Go Kart Cup 9th Edition – October 19th, 2019 - Shenzhen

19 October 2019
亲爱的会员们和朋友们:   中国意大利商会很高兴地宣布,2019年第9届CICC广东卡丁车大赛将于10月19日在深圳举行。   2019年卡丁车大赛将是参与团队建设活动的绝佳机会,为您的员工和同事带来惊险刺激的运动体验。   价格: 参赛门票: CICC会员:550元人民币/人 非会员:700元人民币/人 参观门票: 200元人民币/人   日程安排: 08:00 可选乘坐巴士从广州出发(出发地点:广州市环市东路368号花园酒店) 17:00 乘坐公共汽车或自行返回广州   备注: 登记为强制性要求,应通过发送电子邮件至infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com进行登记,座位将按先到先得的原则进行分配。 订购费包括交通、入场、比赛、午餐和饮料等费用。 付款应通过银行转账或前往中国意大利商会(CICC)广州办事处通过现金提前结算。   RSVP: 如需了解登记和其他详情,请发送电子邮件至,请在10月10日内注明以下内容: 您的姓名和公司名称 门票数量和类型:参赛者/观众 所有参与者姓名 联系电话   如需了解更多详情,请发送电子邮件至。   顺颂商祺! 中国意大利商会团队

CICC Guangdong Go Kart Cup 9th Edition – October 19th, 2019 - Shenzhen

19 October 2019
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that the CICC Guangdong Go Kart Cup 2019 – 9th Edition will be held in Shenzhen on 19th October.   The Go Kart Cup 2019 will be a unique opportunity to share some exciting sport activities and it is a perfect chance to involve your staff and colleagues into a team-building experience.   Price: Racers' tickets:​ CICC MEMBERS: 550 RMB/PAX NON-MEMBER: 700 RMB/PAX Spectators' tickets:​  200 RMB/PAX   Agenda: 08:00 Optional transfer from Guangzhou by bus (Departure from: Garden Hotel, No. 368 Huanshi Dong Road, Guangzhou) 17:00 Return to Guangzhou either by bus or self-arranged   Note: Registration is mandatory and should be done via email to, seats will be assigned on first-come first-served basis. Subscription fees are inclusive of transportation, access to the venue, race, lunch and drinks. Payments should be settled in advance by bank transfer or cash at CICC Guangzhou Office   RSVP: For registrations and further info, please send an e-mail to: within October 10th, specifying: Your name and company name Number and type of tickets: racer/spectator Name of all participating guests Mobile phone contact   For more information please send us an e-mail to   Kind regards, CICC Team

CICC Guangdong Go Kart Cup 9th Edition – October 19th, 2019 - Shenzhen

19 October 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that the CICC Guangdong Go Kart Cup 2019 – 9th Edition will be held in Shenzhen on 19th October.   The Go Kart Cup 2019 will be a unique opportunity to share some exciting sport activities and it is a perfect chance to involve your staff and colleagues into a team-building experience.   Price: Racers' tickets:​ CICC MEMBERS: 550 RMB/PAX NON-MEMBER: 700 RMB/PAX Spectators' tickets:​  200 RMB/PAX   Agenda: 08:00 Optional transfer from Guangzhou by bus (Departure from: Garden Hotel, No. 368 Huanshi Dong Road, Guangzhou) 17:00 Return to Guangzhou either by bus or self-arranged   Note: Registration is mandatory and should be done via email to, seats will be assigned on first-come first-served basis. Subscription fees are inclusive of transportation, access to the venue, race, lunch and drinks. Payments should be settled in advance by bank transfer or cash at CICC Guangzhou Office   RSVP: For registrations and further info, please send an e-mail to: within October 10th, specifying: Your name and company name Number and type of tickets: racer/spectator Name of all participating guests Mobile phone contact   For more information please send us an e-mail to   Kind regards, CICC Team

StartIT.Asia 2019 – 11th July, Guangzhou

11 July 2019
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the StartIT.Asia 2019 event, dedicated to Italian startups aiming to develop their business in Asia, on July 11th, in Guangzhou. Organized by Hawksford, Retail in Asia, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong, the Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou, and powered by Intesa Sanpaolo and Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, is an innovative program that promotes international expansion for Italian high potential startups in Asia. This 2019 Edition of will focus on Retail and Fashion Tech 6 top-notch and product-ready Italian startups will be selected and taken to Hong Kong and Guangzhou for one week in the fast-paced Asian business environment.​ Be our guest to this inspiring event and meet with the startups coming directly from Italy! Date: 11th July, 2019   Time: 14:00 – 17:00   Location: Studio Twelve, unit 601-610, 8 Pazhou Da Dao Dong, Guangzhou, China 广州市海珠区琶洲大道东8号607房十二工作室   Agenda: 14:00 Registration 14:15 Welcoming speech 14:20 Introduction of Studio Twelve by Malcolm Chan Co-Founder 14:30 Start-Ups’ presentation & pitch 16:15: Q&A section 17:00 B2B meeting 17:30 End   Attendance Fee: Free of Charge   RSVP: Registration is mandatory, please kindly send an email to within July 9th, including: • Name • Company Name • E-mail • Mobile number   For more information please email us to    Kind regards, CICC TEAM

StartIT.Asia 2019 – 11th July, Guangzhou

11 July 2019
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the StartIT.Asia 2019 event, dedicated to Italian startups aiming to develop their business in Asia, on July 11th, in Guangzhou. Organized by Hawksford, Retail in Asia, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong, the Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou, and powered by Intesa Sanpaolo and Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, is an innovative program that promotes international expansion for Italian high potential startups in Asia. This 2019 Edition of will focus on Retail and Fashion Tech 6 top-notch and product-ready Italian startups will be selected and taken to Hong Kong and Guangzhou for one week in the fast-paced Asian business environment.​ Be our guest to this inspiring event and meet with the startups coming directly from Italy! Date: 11th July, 2019   Time: 14:00 – 17:00   Location: Studio Twelve, unit 601-610, 8 Pazhou Da Dao Dong, Guangzhou, China 广州市海珠区琶洲大道东8号607房十二工作室   Agenda: 14:00 Registration 14:15 Welcoming speech 14:20 Introduction of Studio Twelve by Malcolm Chan Co-Founder 14:30 Start-Ups’ presentation & pitch 16:15: Q&A section 17:00 B2B meeting 17:30 End   Attendance Fee: Free of Charge   RSVP: Registration is mandatory, please kindly send an email to within July 9th, including: • Name • Company Name • E-mail • Mobile number   For more information please email us to    Kind regards, CICC TEAM

StartIT.Asia 2019 – 11th July, Guangzhou

11 July 2019
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the StartIT.Asia 2019 event, dedicated to Italian startups aiming to develop their business in Asia, on July 11th, in Guangzhou. Organized by Hawksford, Retail in Asia, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong, the Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou, and powered by Intesa Sanpaolo and Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, is an innovative program that promotes international expansion for Italian high potential startups in Asia. This 2019 Edition of will focus on Retail and Fashion Tech 6 top-notch and product-ready Italian startups will be selected and taken to Hong Kong and Guangzhou for one week in the fast-paced Asian business environment.​ Be our guest to this inspiring event and meet with the startups coming directly from Italy! Date: 11th July, 2019   Time: 14:00 – 17:00   Location: Studio Twelve, unit 601-610, 8 Pazhou Da Dao Dong, Guangzhou, China 广州市海珠区琶洲大道东8号607房十二工作室   Agenda: 14:00 Registration 14:15 Welcoming speech 14:20 Introduction of Studio Twelve by Malcolm Chan Co-Founder 14:30 Start-Ups’ presentation & pitch 16:15: Q&A section 17:00 B2B meeting 17:30 End   Attendance Fee: Free of Charge   RSVP: Registration is mandatory, please kindly send an email to within July 9th, including: • Name • Company Name • E-mail • Mobile number   For more information please email us to    Kind regards, CICC TEAM

SGSO Guangzhou: Monthly CICC Members' Informal Networking Drinks – March 28th, 2019

28 March 2019
  Dear Members and Friends of CICC,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce kindly invites you to take part in the Monthly CICC Members' Informal Networking Drinks, organized after the Seminar: "Hiring and Recruitment, methodology and issues".   Date&Time: Thursday March 28th at 19:30 Venue: Morton's, Shop L505 & L603 (IGC Shopping Mall) International Grand City, 222 Xingmin Road, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District 广州市天河区珠江新城兴民路222号IGC天汇广场L505 & L603, Morton's Price: 120 RMB/pax* (paid at CICC Desk the day of the event) *Price is including one drink (Sangria or soft drinks) and pass around canapés (after the first drink, guests can enjoy the special Happy Hour Package at discounted prices)    To get more information and book a seat, please send an e-mail to by March 26th, including the following information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number   The event is open to CICC Members and Non-Members!   Kind Regards, CICC Team


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