Guangzhou office

Address: Room 1201-1202, Garden Hotel,

               No.368 Huanshi Dong Road

               Garden Tower, Guangzhou, 510064

Tel: 0086-20-83652682

Fax: 0086-20-83652983



Presentazione del sito "Leggi Cinesi"

26 June 2008
Data: Giovedi` 26 giugno dalle ore 12 alle ore 14Luogo: Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Dong Road, Guangzhou(广州市环市东路368号花园酒店)Il professor Renzo Cavalieri dell`Univerista` Ca` Foscari di Venezia presentera` il sito "Leggi Cinesi" realizzato con la collaborazione della fondazione "Italia-Cina". La quota di partecipazione e` di 170 RMB per i Soci e 200 RMB per i non Soci. La quota comprende anche il pranzo Per informazioni chiamare il numero 020-38770892 oppure via email all`indirizzo

Presentation of the website "Leggi Cinesi"

26 June 2008
Date: Thursday June 26th, h 12:00 to 14:00 Venue: Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Dong Road, Guangzhou(广州市环市东路368号花园酒店) The Professor Renzo Cavalieri of the Ca` Foscari Univerisity will present the website "Leggi Cinesi", created in cooperation with the Foundation "CINA-ITALY". Entrance 170 RMB for member; 200 RMB for non member (western lunch included) For any information call the number 020-3877 0892 or send email at


27 June 2008
  2008中国(深圳)国际投资贸易洽谈会        深圳,毗邻香港,位于中国经济最发达、投资最活跃的珠江三角洲核心地区,是各地政府、企业获取投资合作机遇的理想之地。      由中国国际贸易促进委员会、深圳市人民政府、中国投资协会、中国中小企业协会、中国国际投资促进会、深港投资联盟联合主办,深圳市贸促会、深圳市投资商会联合承办"2008中国(深圳)国际投资贸易洽谈会"将于2008年6月27日-28日在深圳会展中心举行。     大会主要特点:一是政府和商会联手打造的高端投资合作平台;二是为珠三角企业"走出去"举办的投资盛会;三是突出项目配对、洽谈、成交特色;四是提供大会事前事中事后专业化服务;五是政府指导与市场化运作相结合;六是突出国际化。   大会设立八大板块:   (一)区域经济与政府招商板块,重点展示政府招商引资项目与城市开发项目,推介地区投资环境;为地方政府提供系列套餐服务,即现场展示、专场推介、媒体宣传、企业配对、实地考察一条龙服务;   (二)企业融资与上市服务板块,特别配合即将推出的创业板,提供"进军创业板"套餐服务,为以在创业板上市为目标的中小企业提供系列服务;   (三)国际投资合作板块,重点展示推介境外国家、地区投资环境、资源和项目等;   (四) 国际采购板块,邀请国际采购商设展,与国内外企业进行贸易合作洽谈;   (五) 投资中介服务板块,邀请商协会、投资贸易中介机构、法律会计服务机构,商标、专利、特许经营机构,网站、媒体等设展,全方位满足企业投资发展需求;   (六)"深企走天下"系列活动,包括"深企走出去"成果展;    (七) 论坛板块,重点举办企业跨国发展论坛、中小企业发展论坛、中国创业板高峰论坛和深港投资大会暨中国招商局长峰会;   (八) 其他合作板块。 主办单位: 中国国际贸易促进委员会、深圳市人民政府、中国投资协会 中国中小企业协会、中国国际投资促进会、深港投资联盟 承办单位: 中国国际贸易促进委员会深圳分会、深圳市投资商会 举办地点:深圳会展中心1号馆举办时间:6月26日: 布展、欢迎酒会6月27日-28日: 展览、推介、洽谈、论坛 

2008 China (Shenzhen) International Investment & Trade Fair

27 June 2008
Data : dal 27 al 28 giugno 2008Luogo: Hall No.1of Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Centerpresentazione: Piattaforma di alto livello per la cooperazione e gli investimenti lanciata dal governo e dalle camere di commercio Punti focali· Economia regionale e promozione governativa degli investimenti· Finanziamento delle imprese e "listening service"· Investimenti internazionali e coooperazione· International Purchasing· Servizi delle agenzie di investimento· Attivita` varie per il "Shenzhen Enterprises Go Outbound" · ForumsOpening Ceremony: 27 giugno dalle 10:00 alle 10:30 Fiera e Forum: dal 27 al 28 giugno dalle 09:30 alle 17:00 e dalle 9:30 alle 16:00 Seminario: 27 giugno dalle 14:00 alle 18:30Se il numero di partecipanti sara` abbastanza elevato, la Camera di Commercio organizzera` un bus navetta gratuito da Guangzhou alla fiera a Shenzhen. Se desidera prenotare per il 28, si prega di comunicare la prenotazione entro giovedi` 26 all`indirizzo mail infoshenzhen@cameraitacina.compick-up pointsGuangzhou: 8:00am CITIC Plaza (中信广场,天河北路233号) Shenzhen: 9:30am Shangri-La Hotel (香格里拉大酒店,深圳市福田区益田路4088号) Sponsors: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the People`s Government of Shenzhen Municipality, China Investment Association, China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, China Council for International Investment Promotion, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Investment LeagueOrganizers: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Shenzhen Sub-Council, Shenzhen Chamber of Investment Website:    

2008 China(Shenzhen) International Investment & Trade Fair

27 June 2008
   Welcome to visit our Booth No. B044 at:2008 China (Shenzhen) International Investment & Trade FairFocusRegional Economy and Governmental Investment PromotionEnterprises Financing and Listing ServiceInternational Investment and CooperationInternational PurchasingInvestment Agencies ServiceSeries of Activities for "Shenzhen Enterprises Go Outbound" ForumsOther Cooperative PartsDate:  27th-28th, June, 2008Venue:  Hall No.1of Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition CenterArea:  30,000 square meters - exhibition, seminars and forums  Sponsors:  China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the People`s Government of Shenzhen Municipality, China Investment Association, China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, China Council for International Investment Promotion, Shenzhen-Hong Kong Investment LeagueOrganizers:  China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Shenzhen Sub-Council, Shenzhen Chamber of Investment Website: high-level platform for investment and cooperation launched by governments and chambers of commerce jointly; project matchmaking, negotiating and transaction completing ; professional services before, during and after the fair; a combination of governmental guidance and market oriented operation Timetable  Opening Ceremony27 June10:00~10:30Exhibition & Forum27 June09:30~17:00Match-making Seminar for VC & SMEs27 June14:00~18:30Exhibition & Forum28 June09:30~16:00Free shuttle bus on 28th June!!                   If the attendees reach a reasonable number, we will arrange free shuttle bus from Guangzhou and from Shenzhen to the venue. If you want to reserve the bus of 28th of June, please register by e-mail to by Thursday 26th June  Shuttle bus pick-up points Guangzhou: 8:00am    CITIC Plaza (中信广场,天河北路233号) Shenzhen:    9:30am     Shangri-La Hotel (香格里拉大酒店,深圳市福田区益田路4088号) For further details, please contact Ms. Lora YangEmail: infoshenzhen@cameraitacina.comTel: 0755 86329518    


24 September 2008
第29届广州国际美容美发化妆用品进出口博览会        广州国际美博会以其仅次于意大利COSMOPROF美容展的展览规模雄踞亚洲第一、世界第二位置,设有13个专业展区,吸引了来自中国大部分省份以及亚洲、欧洲、美洲、大洋洲等国家和地区的企业参展。展览内容囊括美容美发化妆用品行业中的每一个方面;此外,美容美发专业培训学校、专业媒体和各地的商会、联盟机构、协会等也到会宣传;可谓应有尽有,既专业又全面。近几届广州国际美博会每届到会采购和观摩的专业人士都超过20万人次,已成为国内外美容行业中的一个名牌国际大展,同时也取得特殊资格及辉煌的荣誉,正朝着全球一流美容大展的方向挺进。展览时间: 2008-9-24/27地点:广州市中国进出口商品交易会琶洲展馆二期主办单位:广东省美容美发化妆品行业协会                      广东博环美国际展览有限公司电话:020-86259008、86258323、86257099传真:020-86259533电邮

Guangzhou International Beauty & Cosmetic Import-Export Expo

24 September 2008
Guangzhou International Beauty & Cosmetic Import-Export expo - autunno 2008La "Guangzhou Internationa Beauty & Cosmetic Import-Export Expo e` la fiera piu` influente di tutta la Cina nell`ambito dell`estetica. Con 13 aree specializzate, l`Expo attrae visitatori da Cina, Asia, Europa, America e tutta l`area del Pacifico. La fiera copre tutti i segmenti dell`industria del Make-up. partecipano alla fiera inoltre, scuole di estetica, uffici commerciali e agenzie pubblicitarie rendendola ancora piu` varia e professionale. Negli ultimi anni, ogni ediziona ha registrato piu` di 200`000 ingressi di buyer e visitatori professionisti. la Guangzhou Beauty expo e` divenuta uno degli eventi di maggior rilievo nel mondo.Date: 2008-9-24/27Luogo: China Import And Export Fair Pazhou ComplexOrganizzatore: Guangdong Beauty & Cosmetic Association/Guangdong International Exhibitions LtdWebsite: www.gzbeautyexpo.comTel: 86-20-86259008, 86257099Fax: 86-20-86259533Email:

Guangzhou International Beauty & Cosmetic Import-Export Expo - Autumn 2008

24 September 2008
Guangzhou International Beauty & Cosmetic Import-Export Expo - Autumn 2008The Guangzhou International Beauty & Cosmetic Import-Export Expo is the most influential beauty trade event in China. With thirteen specialised exhibit zones, the expo attracts visitors from all over China, Asia, Europe, Americas and the Pacific region. The expo covers all segments of the beauty and hair industry. In addition, beauty schools, trade media, trade offices, alliances and associations also participate in the fair, making it even more diverse and professional. In recent years, each edition recorded over 200,000 entries by trade buyers and professional visitors. The Guangzhou Beauty Expo has become one of the best known beauty industry event in the world.Date: 2008-9-24/27Venue:China Import And Export Fair Pazhou ComplexOrganiser: Guangdong Beauty & Cosmetic Association/Guangdong International Exhibitions LtdWebsite: www.gzbeautyexpo.comEnquiry hotline: 86-20-86259008,  86257099Fax: 86-20-86259533Email: 


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