Shanghai office

Address: N. 777 Weihai road,

                2nd Floor, Room 202,

                Jing'An District Shanghai

Tel: 21-63810268



CICC LWG Members’ Meeting in Shanghai Feb. 26th

26 February 2024
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that on February 26th the Members of its Logistics Working Group (LWG) will reunite in a meeting online and offline at CICC Office in Shanghai. The meeting will be a platform to discuss current challenges and opportunities for companies in the industry. It is aimed at presenting the working program of the group and collecting feedback and ideas from the member companies. The agenda will also include the introduction of the new LWG coordination team and the presentation of the LWG activities program 2024.   This meeting is reserved for the LWG Members.   Click here to register at the event.   For more information, please send an email to:   EVENT DETAILS Date: Monday, February 26th, 2024 Time: from 2.00 to 3.00 pm (Beijing time) Address: China-Italy Chamber of Commerce N. 777 Weihai Road, 2nd Floor, R 202, Jing'An District, Shanghai (上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室)   CICC WORKING GROUP The Working Groups bring together representatives of companies operating in the same sector or located in the same geographical area. The aim is to share information, resources, and ideas, organize relevant activities for the companies, and build sectorial expertise within the CICC in order to attract interest both in China and in Italy to benefit companies not present on Chinese territory yet.   About Logistic Working Group (LWG) The LWG represents the interest of all Italian companies in China working directly or indirectly in the Logistics sector. Members of this group will work on defining, updating and taking part into the Working Group Program for increasing their knowledge and market share in the Chinese market. Coordinator Vincenzo Morano, Executive Director, Insider International LTD Vice-Coordinators Andrea Bongini, TLM Italy for Central & Northern China at Savino Del Bene (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.t Mario Tasso, RAM Apac Jas Forwarding China

Hantang Academy CICC Training: A Glimpse of Italy, Shanghai

15 March 2024
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce a new special collaboration with Hantang Academy – a Division of Hantang Culture offering customized training programs and experiential workshops for those employees working in Italian companies, luxury industry and interested in art & design and brand culture.   The collaboration aims to convey at a special price the Italian Excellence Training Program to the Chinese employees of several CICC members companies and friends.   We are happy to invite you to take part in the first module of the Italian Excellence Program series, entitled A Glimpse of Italy, which will be held on the morning of 15 March and 22 March at the CICC office in Shanghai.   A Glimpse of Italy is the first module of a full program, that includes Italian general culture, lifestyle, art, design, fashion, presenting a centralized and story-telling concept of Italian excellence, with multiples practical take-aways to be used in daily work.   Through this program, we aim to motivate the employees of Italian companies or interested in Italy to: Share the brands’ narratives with their own interpretation of ‘MADE IN ITALY’ Build up true connections between Italian brands and the Chinese clientele Be the messengers of two cultures and the art of living   The module A Glimpse of Italy is divided into two morning sessions, including lectures, group activities, videos, engagements and more. Delivered by a Chinese Lecturer that, together with a solid knowledge, offer first-hand vivid experiences from a cross-cultural background, bringing Italy closer to the participants.   EVENT DETAILS   Dates: Day 1: March 15th, 2024, Shanghai, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon Day 2: March 22nd, 2024, Shanghai, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm   Venue: 上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室 | N. 777 Weihai road, 2nd Floor, R202 Jing'An District Shanghai            Price: CICC Member price: 1500 rmb/person*  Non Member price: 1600 rmb/person* *The price is for both days of 15 and 22 March.   Language: Chinese   Remarks: Off-line only; Handouts are provided onsite; Diploma is awarded only on completion of the full Module.   AGENDA   Day 1, March 15th, 2024 08:45 – 09:00 Registration 09:00 – 09:45 Introduction to Italy: Land of Beauty, diversity, lifestyle and industrial districts. 09:45 – 10:30 Brief Introduction of Italian history: Main milestones and insights about Italian civilization 10:30 – 10:40 Break 10:40 – 11:40 Brief Introduction of Italian Art: main art movements, artists and insights; literature, music and cinema as art expression. 11:40 – 12:00 Group work session 1   Day 2, March 22nd, 2024 08:45 – 09:00 Registration 09:00 – 10:30 Travel in Italy and Unesco World Heritage and cultural insights of selected cities 10:30 – 10:40 Break 10:40 – 11:00 Group work session 2 11:00 – 12:30 Italian Luxury Business: Main industry figures, craftsmanship, luxury embracing the past heritage.   If you show interest to attend, click HERE to register or send an email to for more details.   ABOUT HANTANG ACADEMY     Hantang Academy is the Division of Hantang Culture offering customized training programs and experiential workshops for those working in Italian companies, luxury industry and interested in art & design and brand culture. Endorsed by the General Consulate of Italy in Shanghai, in 2021 the Academy launched its first complete Training Program about Italian Excellence, addressed to professionals working in Italian companies in China, from the executive, fore-front sales team, marketing team to management team.  The Italian Excellence Program courses bring to the participants an introduction of Italy about culture, lifestyle, art, design, fashion, presenting a centralized and story-telling concept of Italian excellence, with multiples practical take-aways to be used in daily work. Since its foundation, Chinese professionals, dealers, brands VIP clients and guest journalists from sectors as Automotive, Design, Fashion, F&B, Pharma or Retail, have enjoyed Hantang Academy programs, conferences or tailored-made courses. In 2023, Hantang Culture become International Honorary Member of Altagamma Foundation after long years of cooperation with the Foundation and with many of the outstanding Made in Italy brands. Likewise, Hantang Culture group was awarded with the Golden Panda of Friendship 2023 by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.   ITALIAN EXCELLENCE PROGRAM   Hantang Academy is the Division of Hantang Culture offering customized training programs and experiential workshops for those working in Italian companies, luxury industry and interested in art & design and brand culture. Endorsed by the General Consulate of Italy in Shanghai, in 2021 the Academy launched its first complete Training Program about Italian Excellence, addressed to professionals working in Italian companies in China, from the executive, fore-front sales team, marketing team to management team.  The Italian Excellence Program courses bring to the participants an introduction of Italy about culture, lifestyle, art, design, fashion, presenting a centralized and story-telling concept of Italian excellence, with multiples practical take-aways to be used in daily work. Since its foundation, Chinese professionals, dealers, brands VIP clients and guest journalists from sectors as Automotive, Design, Fashion, F&B, Pharma or Retail, have enjoyed Hantang Academy programs, conferences or tailored-made courses. In 2023, Hantang Culture become International Honorary Member of Altagamma Foundation after long years of cooperation with the Foundation and with many of the outstanding Made in Italy brands. Likewise, Hantang Culture group was awarded with the Golden Panda of Friendship 2023 by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.   A GLIMPSE OF ITALY     The course provides a first impression of "il Bel Paese", and a brief introduction to Italian history, humanities, art and aesthetics, as well as luxury industry This overview prepares the participants for a sound starting point in Italy panorama of culture, art and design 初探亚平宁,全貌介绍意大利历史人文、艺术美学奢侈品行业的精粹式课程 全景式了解意大利概览,成竹于胸   01/ Introduction to Italy 02/ A Walk Through the History of Italy and Italian Art 03/ Travelling to the Bel Paese: Italy 04/ Italian Luxury Industry 05/ Conclusions & Survey   AESTHETICS & CREATIVITY OF ITALY  one course devoted to Fine Arts and one course to Italian Design   In an in-depth and contemporary approach, this course offers substantial content in Italian art and aesthetics, and history of design The course equips the participants with plenty of topics and insights 深入浅出、生动有趣、富有当代视角的意大利艺术与美学、意大利设计史,构筑意大利设计知识体系丰富谈资,深度洞察   ITALIAN ART课程内容PROGRAM 01/ 一分钟了解三万年艺术史 Brief Introduction of 30,000 Years of Art History in One Minute 02/美的精神:比例的艺术 The Spirit of the Beauty: the Art of Proportions 03/从古罗马到当代 From Ancient Rome to Contemporary Art古罗马艺术Ancient Rome 中世纪Middle Ages 文艺复兴Renaissance 巴洛克Baroque 洛可可Rococo 现代艺术Modern Art 当代艺术Contemporary Art   意大利设计Italian  Design课程内容PROGRAM 意大利设计的诞生 (1860-1939) The Birth of Italian Design 意大利设计风靡全球 (1940-1965) Italian Design Come on Stage 消费主义与反主流文化 (1964-1975) Consumerism & Counter-Culture 完美风暴:意式设计风靡全球 (1976-1985) The Perfect Storm   A WALK THROUGH ITALIAN FASHION     An all-in-one manual of Italian fashion industry, including history, style evolution, masters and iconic products, key industry events and craftsmanship A quick path to be an insider of Italian fashion An all-in-one manual of Italian fashion industry, including history, style evolution, masters and iconic products, key industry events and craftsmanship. A quick path to be an insider of Italian fashion.   01/ What is Italian Fashion? A Brief Introduction 02/ Origins of Italian Fashion 03/ The Birth of Modern Italian Fashion 04/ Italian Fashion Goes Global 05/ New Waves and Possibilities     Already have taken the Italian Excellence Program:    

Hantang Academy CICC Training: A Glimpse of Italy, Shanghai

15 March 2024
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce a new special collaboration with Hantang Academy – a Division of Hantang Culture offering customized training programs and experiential workshops for those employees working in Italian companies, luxury industry and interested in art & design and brand culture.   The collaboration aims to convey at a special price the Italian Excellence Training Program to the Chinese employees of several CICC members companies and friends.   We are happy to invite you to take part in the first module of the Italian Excellence Program series, entitled A Glimpse of Italy, which will be held on the morning of 15 March and 22 March at the CICC office in Shanghai.   A Glimpse of Italy is the first module of a full program, that includes Italian general culture, lifestyle, art, design, fashion, presenting a centralized and story-telling concept of Italian excellence, with multiples practical take-aways to be used in daily work.   Through this program, we aim to motivate the employees of Italian companies or interested in Italy to: Share the brands’ narratives with their own interpretation of ‘MADE IN ITALY’ Build up true connections between Italian brands and the Chinese clientele Be the messengers of two cultures and the art of living   The module A Glimpse of Italy is divided into two morning sessions, including lectures, group activities, videos, engagements and more. Delivered by a Chinese Lecturer that, together with a solid knowledge, offer first-hand vivid experiences from a cross-cultural background, bringing Italy closer to the participants.   EVENT DETAILS   Dates: Day 1: March 15th, 2024, Shanghai, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon Day 2: March 22nd, 2024, Shanghai, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm   Venue: 上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室 | N. 777 Weihai road, 2nd Floor, R202 Jing'An District Shanghai            Price: CICC Member price: 1500 rmb/person*  Non Member price: 1600 rmb/person* *The price is for both days of 15 and 22 March.   Language: Chinese   Remarks: Off-line only; Handouts are provided onsite; Diploma is awarded only on completion of the full Module.   AGENDA   Day 1, March 15th, 2024 08:45 – 09:00 Registration 09:00 – 09:45 Introduction to Italy: Land of Beauty, diversity, lifestyle and industrial districts. 09:45 – 10:30 Brief Introduction of Italian history: Main milestones and insights about Italian civilization 10:30 – 10:40 Break 10:40 – 11:40 Brief Introduction of Italian Art: main art movements, artists and insights; literature, music and cinema as art expression. 11:40 – 12:00 Group work session 1   Day 2, March 22nd, 2024 08:45 – 09:00 Registration 09:00 – 10:30 Travel in Italy and Unesco World Heritage and cultural insights of selected cities 10:30 – 10:40 Break 10:40 – 11:00 Group work session 2 11:00 – 12:30 Italian Luxury Business: Main industry figures, craftsmanship, luxury embracing the past heritage.   If you show interest to attend, click HERE to register or send an email to for more details.   ABOUT HANTANG ACADEMY     Hantang Academy is the Division of Hantang Culture offering customized training programs and experiential workshops for those working in Italian companies, luxury industry and interested in art & design and brand culture. Endorsed by the General Consulate of Italy in Shanghai, in 2021 the Academy launched its first complete Training Program about Italian Excellence, addressed to professionals working in Italian companies in China, from the executive, fore-front sales team, marketing team to management team.  The Italian Excellence Program courses bring to the participants an introduction of Italy about culture, lifestyle, art, design, fashion, presenting a centralized and story-telling concept of Italian excellence, with multiples practical take-aways to be used in daily work. Since its foundation, Chinese professionals, dealers, brands VIP clients and guest journalists from sectors as Automotive, Design, Fashion, F&B, Pharma or Retail, have enjoyed Hantang Academy programs, conferences or tailored-made courses. In 2023, Hantang Culture become International Honorary Member of Altagamma Foundation after long years of cooperation with the Foundation and with many of the outstanding Made in Italy brands. Likewise, Hantang Culture group was awarded with the Golden Panda of Friendship 2023 by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.   ITALIAN EXCELLENCE PROGRAM   Hantang Academy is the Division of Hantang Culture offering customized training programs and experiential workshops for those working in Italian companies, luxury industry and interested in art & design and brand culture. Endorsed by the General Consulate of Italy in Shanghai, in 2021 the Academy launched its first complete Training Program about Italian Excellence, addressed to professionals working in Italian companies in China, from the executive, fore-front sales team, marketing team to management team.  The Italian Excellence Program courses bring to the participants an introduction of Italy about culture, lifestyle, art, design, fashion, presenting a centralized and story-telling concept of Italian excellence, with multiples practical take-aways to be used in daily work. Since its foundation, Chinese professionals, dealers, brands VIP clients and guest journalists from sectors as Automotive, Design, Fashion, F&B, Pharma or Retail, have enjoyed Hantang Academy programs, conferences or tailored-made courses. In 2023, Hantang Culture become International Honorary Member of Altagamma Foundation after long years of cooperation with the Foundation and with many of the outstanding Made in Italy brands. Likewise, Hantang Culture group was awarded with the Golden Panda of Friendship 2023 by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.   A GLIMPSE OF ITALY     The course provides a first impression of "il Bel Paese", and a brief introduction to Italian history, humanities, art and aesthetics, as well as luxury industry This overview prepares the participants for a sound starting point in Italy panorama of culture, art and design 初探亚平宁,全貌介绍意大利历史人文、艺术美学奢侈品行业的精粹式课程 全景式了解意大利概览,成竹于胸   01/ Introduction to Italy 02/ A Walk Through the History of Italy and Italian Art 03/ Travelling to the Bel Paese: Italy 04/ Italian Luxury Industry 05/ Conclusions & Survey   AESTHETICS & CREATIVITY OF ITALY  one course devoted to Fine Arts and one course to Italian Design   In an in-depth and contemporary approach, this course offers substantial content in Italian art and aesthetics, and history of design The course equips the participants with plenty of topics and insights 深入浅出、生动有趣、富有当代视角的意大利艺术与美学、意大利设计史,构筑意大利设计知识体系丰富谈资,深度洞察   ITALIAN ART课程内容PROGRAM 01/ 一分钟了解三万年艺术史 Brief Introduction of 30,000 Years of Art History in One Minute 02/美的精神:比例的艺术 The Spirit of the Beauty: the Art of Proportions 03/从古罗马到当代 From Ancient Rome to Contemporary Art古罗马艺术Ancient Rome 中世纪Middle Ages 文艺复兴Renaissance 巴洛克Baroque 洛可可Rococo 现代艺术Modern Art 当代艺术Contemporary Art   意大利设计Italian  Design课程内容PROGRAM 意大利设计的诞生 (1860-1939) The Birth of Italian Design 意大利设计风靡全球 (1940-1965) Italian Design Come on Stage 消费主义与反主流文化 (1964-1975) Consumerism & Counter-Culture 完美风暴:意式设计风靡全球 (1976-1985) The Perfect Storm   A WALK THROUGH ITALIAN FASHION     An all-in-one manual of Italian fashion industry, including history, style evolution, masters and iconic products, key industry events and craftsmanship A quick path to be an insider of Italian fashion An all-in-one manual of Italian fashion industry, including history, style evolution, masters and iconic products, key industry events and craftsmanship. A quick path to be an insider of Italian fashion.   01/ What is Italian Fashion? A Brief Introduction 02/ Origins of Italian Fashion 03/ The Birth of Modern Italian Fashion 04/ Italian Fashion Goes Global 05/ New Waves and Possibilities     Already have taken the Italian Excellence Program:    

Hantang Academy CICC Training: A Glimpse of Italy, Shanghai

15 March 2024
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce a new special collaboration with Hantang Academy – a Division of Hantang Culture offering customized training programs and experiential workshops for those employees working in Italian companies, luxury industry and interested in art & design and brand culture.   The collaboration aims to convey at a special price the Italian Excellence Training Program to the Chinese employees of several CICC members companies and friends.   We are happy to invite you to take part in the first module of the Italian Excellence Program series, entitled A Glimpse of Italy, which will be held on the morning of 15 March and 22 March at the CICC office in Shanghai.   A Glimpse of Italy is the first module of a full program, that includes Italian general culture, lifestyle, art, design, fashion, presenting a centralized and story-telling concept of Italian excellence, with multiples practical take-aways to be used in daily work.   Through this program, we aim to motivate the employees of Italian companies or interested in Italy to: Share the brands’ narratives with their own interpretation of ‘MADE IN ITALY’ Build up true connections between Italian brands and the Chinese clientele Be the messengers of two cultures and the art of living   The module A Glimpse of Italy is divided into two morning sessions, including lectures, group activities, videos, engagements and more. Delivered by a Chinese Lecturer that, together with a solid knowledge, offer first-hand vivid experiences from a cross-cultural background, bringing Italy closer to the participants.   EVENT DETAILS   Dates: Day 1: March 15th, 2024, Shanghai, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon Day 2: March 22nd, 2024, Shanghai, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm   Venue: 上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室 | N. 777 Weihai road, 2nd Floor, R202 Jing'An District Shanghai            Price: CICC Member price: 1500 rmb/person*  Non Member price: 1600 rmb/person* *The price is for both days of 15 and 22 March.   Language: Chinese   Remarks: Off-line only; Handouts are provided onsite; Diploma is awarded only on completion of the full Module.   AGENDA   Day 1, March 15th, 2024 08:45 – 09:00 Registration 09:00 – 09:45 Introduction to Italy: Land of Beauty, diversity, lifestyle and industrial districts. 09:45 – 10:30 Brief Introduction of Italian history: Main milestones and insights about Italian civilization 10:30 – 10:40 Break 10:40 – 11:40 Brief Introduction of Italian Art: main art movements, artists and insights; literature, music and cinema as art expression. 11:40 – 12:00 Group work session 1   Day 2, March 22nd, 2024 08:45 – 09:00 Registration 09:00 – 10:30 Travel in Italy and Unesco World Heritage and cultural insights of selected cities 10:30 – 10:40 Break 10:40 – 11:00 Group work session 2 11:00 – 12:30 Italian Luxury Business: Main industry figures, craftsmanship, luxury embracing the past heritage.   If you show interest to attend, click HERE to register or send an email to for more details.   ABOUT HANTANG ACADEMY     Hantang Academy is the Division of Hantang Culture offering customized training programs and experiential workshops for those working in Italian companies, luxury industry and interested in art & design and brand culture. Endorsed by the General Consulate of Italy in Shanghai, in 2021 the Academy launched its first complete Training Program about Italian Excellence, addressed to professionals working in Italian companies in China, from the executive, fore-front sales team, marketing team to management team.  The Italian Excellence Program courses bring to the participants an introduction of Italy about culture, lifestyle, art, design, fashion, presenting a centralized and story-telling concept of Italian excellence, with multiples practical take-aways to be used in daily work. Since its foundation, Chinese professionals, dealers, brands VIP clients and guest journalists from sectors as Automotive, Design, Fashion, F&B, Pharma or Retail, have enjoyed Hantang Academy programs, conferences or tailored-made courses. In 2023, Hantang Culture become International Honorary Member of Altagamma Foundation after long years of cooperation with the Foundation and with many of the outstanding Made in Italy brands. Likewise, Hantang Culture group was awarded with the Golden Panda of Friendship 2023 by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.   ITALIAN EXCELLENCE PROGRAM   Hantang Academy is the Division of Hantang Culture offering customized training programs and experiential workshops for those working in Italian companies, luxury industry and interested in art & design and brand culture. Endorsed by the General Consulate of Italy in Shanghai, in 2021 the Academy launched its first complete Training Program about Italian Excellence, addressed to professionals working in Italian companies in China, from the executive, fore-front sales team, marketing team to management team.  The Italian Excellence Program courses bring to the participants an introduction of Italy about culture, lifestyle, art, design, fashion, presenting a centralized and story-telling concept of Italian excellence, with multiples practical take-aways to be used in daily work. Since its foundation, Chinese professionals, dealers, brands VIP clients and guest journalists from sectors as Automotive, Design, Fashion, F&B, Pharma or Retail, have enjoyed Hantang Academy programs, conferences or tailored-made courses. In 2023, Hantang Culture become International Honorary Member of Altagamma Foundation after long years of cooperation with the Foundation and with many of the outstanding Made in Italy brands. Likewise, Hantang Culture group was awarded with the Golden Panda of Friendship 2023 by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.   A GLIMPSE OF ITALY     The course provides a first impression of "il Bel Paese", and a brief introduction to Italian history, humanities, art and aesthetics, as well as luxury industry This overview prepares the participants for a sound starting point in Italy panorama of culture, art and design 初探亚平宁,全貌介绍意大利历史人文、艺术美学奢侈品行业的精粹式课程 全景式了解意大利概览,成竹于胸   01/ Introduction to Italy 02/ A Walk Through the History of Italy and Italian Art 03/ Travelling to the Bel Paese: Italy 04/ Italian Luxury Industry 05/ Conclusions & Survey   AESTHETICS & CREATIVITY OF ITALY  one course devoted to Fine Arts and one course to Italian Design   In an in-depth and contemporary approach, this course offers substantial content in Italian art and aesthetics, and history of design The course equips the participants with plenty of topics and insights 深入浅出、生动有趣、富有当代视角的意大利艺术与美学、意大利设计史,构筑意大利设计知识体系丰富谈资,深度洞察   ITALIAN ART课程内容PROGRAM 01/ 一分钟了解三万年艺术史 Brief Introduction of 30,000 Years of Art History in One Minute 02/美的精神:比例的艺术 The Spirit of the Beauty: the Art of Proportions 03/从古罗马到当代 From Ancient Rome to Contemporary Art古罗马艺术Ancient Rome 中世纪Middle Ages 文艺复兴Renaissance 巴洛克Baroque 洛可可Rococo 现代艺术Modern Art 当代艺术Contemporary Art   意大利设计Italian  Design课程内容PROGRAM 意大利设计的诞生 (1860-1939) The Birth of Italian Design 意大利设计风靡全球 (1940-1965) Italian Design Come on Stage 消费主义与反主流文化 (1964-1975) Consumerism & Counter-Culture 完美风暴:意式设计风靡全球 (1976-1985) The Perfect Storm   A WALK THROUGH ITALIAN FASHION     An all-in-one manual of Italian fashion industry, including history, style evolution, masters and iconic products, key industry events and craftsmanship A quick path to be an insider of Italian fashion An all-in-one manual of Italian fashion industry, including history, style evolution, masters and iconic products, key industry events and craftsmanship. A quick path to be an insider of Italian fashion.   01/ What is Italian Fashion? A Brief Introduction 02/ Origins of Italian Fashion 03/ The Birth of Modern Italian Fashion 04/ Italian Fashion Goes Global 05/ New Waves and Possibilities     Already have taken the Italian Excellence Program:    

REGISTRATION OPEN | CICC Networking Dinner, Shanghai, March 7th

07 March 2024
Dear CICC members and friends, The China Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to inform you that our monthly CICC Networking Dinner will be organized on 7th March from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm at Bella Vita. Come and meet the Italian business community in China, with an Italian menu and wine!   EVENT DETAILS Date: Thursday, 7th March, 2024 Shanghai Time: 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm(registration will begin at 7:00 pm) Venues: Bella Vita: No. 555, Haifang Road, Jingan District, Shanghai上海市静安区海防路555号   REGISTRATION Click here to reserve your spot! Ticket price: CICC Member: 350 RMB/person Non Member: 400 RMB/person The ticket includes free flow of food and drinks.   On the same at 16:00 pm, before gathering for the Networking Dinner, the CICC Members' Meeting of Eastern China will be held at Space 9 (Shanghai 55 Yuyao road 1st floor).   ABOUT OUR MONTHLY NETWORKING DINNER This event is part of the series of networking dinners that we host monthly in Shanghai to give people a chance to network in a more relaxed and friendly circumstance. There is no better setting than good food and good wine to accompany conviviality, so we hold these dinners each time at a different venue picking from Italian restaurants in Shanghai.

REGISTRATION OPEN | CICC Networking Dinner, Shanghai, March 7th

07 March 2024
Dear CICC members and friends, The China Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to inform you that our monthly CICC Networking Dinner will be organized on 7th March from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm at Bella Vita. Come and meet the Italian business community in China, with an Italian menu and wine!   EVENT DETAILS Date: Thursday, 7th March, 2024 Shanghai Time: 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm(registration will begin at 7:00 pm) Venues: Bella Vita: No. 555, Haifang Road, Jingan District, Shanghai上海市静安区海防路555号   REGISTRATION Click here to reserve your spot! Ticket price: CICC Member: 350 RMB/person Non Member: 400 RMB/person The ticket includes free flow of food and drinks.   On the same at 16:00 pm, before gathering for the Networking Dinner, the CICC Members' Meeting of Eastern China will be held at Space 9 (Shanghai 55 Yuyao road 1st floor).   ABOUT OUR MONTHLY NETWORKING DINNER This event is part of the series of networking dinners that we host monthly in Shanghai to give people a chance to network in a more relaxed and friendly circumstance. There is no better setting than good food and good wine to accompany conviviality, so we hold these dinners each time at a different venue picking from Italian restaurants in Shanghai.

REGISTRATION OPEN | CICC Networking Dinner, Shanghai, March 7th

07 March 2024
Dear CICC members and friends, The China Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to inform you that our monthly CICC Networking Dinner will be organized on 7th March from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm at Bella Vita. Come and meet the Italian business community in China, with an Italian menu and wine!   EVENT DETAILS Date: Thursday, 7th March, 2024 Shanghai Time: 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm(registration will begin at 7:00 pm) Venues: Bella Vita: No. 555, Haifang Road, Jingan District, Shanghai上海市静安区海防路555号   REGISTRATION Click here to reserve your spot! Ticket price: CICC Member: 350 RMB/person Non Member: 400 RMB/person The ticket includes free flow of food and drinks.   On the same at 16:00 pm, before gathering for the Networking Dinner, the CICC Members' Meeting of Eastern China will be held at Space 9 (Shanghai 55 Yuyao road 1st floor).   ABOUT OUR MONTHLY NETWORKING DINNER This event is part of the series of networking dinners that we host monthly in Shanghai to give people a chance to network in a more relaxed and friendly circumstance. There is no better setting than good food and good wine to accompany conviviality, so we hold these dinners each time at a different venue picking from Italian restaurants in Shanghai.

CICC Members’ Meeting in Eastern China, March 7

07 March 2024
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to the Members' Meeting in Eastern China scheduled for Thursday, 7 March 2024 in Shanghai starting at 16:30 (Chinese time). Registration will start at 16:00. During the meeting, which will be held in English, the CCIC's strategic guidelines will be shared, as well as important updates on the governance, objectives pursued and achievements of our Chamber of Commerce. An update will also be provided on the main activities planned for 2024 nationwide, with a focus on the territories of Shanghai, Zhejiang, Anhui, Suzhou and Jiangsu. Space will also be given to some of our Working Groups.   Present for the occasion will be the Chairman of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce Paolo Bazzoni, Members of the Board of Directors based in the territory, as well as representatives of Sistema Italia.   The Members’ meeting is open to members only. Further details on the agenda will be shared in the coming days on our channels. At the end of the meeting, we will organise our monthly networking dinner, starting at 19:00 at the Bellavita Jingan restaurant.   EVENT DETAILS Venue: In-person at Space 9 (Shanghai 55 Yuyao road 1 floor). Date and time: 7 March 2024, 16:30-18:30 (Shanghai local time) Language: English The meeting is free of charge and open to CCIC members only.     Click here to register When registering, you can register for the Members' Meeting only, or choose the combination Members' Meeting + business networking dinner. For more information, please write to   ABOUT THE VENUE STUDIO 9 brings together four of Nine United Group's Danish design brands: HAY, &Tradition, Verpan, and Frandsen. Each of these brands was founded in different eras and features timeless designs and masterpieces from a century of Danish design. Together, they provide a wide assortment of styles, a massive selection and offer solutions for modern residential and commercial spaces. In this multi-dimensionally oriented destination, you will find a new distinctive model that elevates the connection and communication for the design community and offers unique creative content and experiences. STUDIO 9 uses the space as a means of actively exploring various brands and products, communicating and sharing with the creative community, and working with like-minded partners.  

CICC Members’ Meeting in Eastern China, March 7

07 March 2024
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to the Members' Meeting in Eastern China scheduled for Thursday, 7 March 2024 in Shanghai starting at 16:30 (Chinese time). Registration will start at 16:00. During the meeting, which will be held in English, the CCIC's strategic guidelines will be shared, as well as important updates on the governance, objectives pursued and achievements of our Chamber of Commerce. An update will also be provided on the main activities planned for 2024 nationwide, with a focus on the territories of Shanghai, Zhejiang, Anhui, Suzhou and Jiangsu. Space will also be given to some of our Working Groups.   Present for the occasion will be the Chairman of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce Paolo Bazzoni, Members of the Board of Directors based in the territory, as well as representatives of Sistema Italia.   The Members’ meeting is open to members only. Further details on the agenda will be shared in the coming days on our channels. At the end of the meeting, we will organise our monthly networking dinner, starting at 19:00 at the Bellavita Jingan restaurant.   EVENT DETAILS Venue: In-person at Space 9 (Shanghai 55 Yuyao road 1 floor). Date and time: 7 March 2024, 16:30-18:30 (Shanghai local time) Language: English The meeting is free of charge and open to CCIC members only.     Click here to register When registering, you can register for the Members' Meeting only, or choose the combination Members' Meeting + business networking dinner. For more information, please write to   ABOUT THE VENUE STUDIO 9 brings together four of Nine United Group's Danish design brands: HAY, &Tradition, Verpan, and Frandsen. Each of these brands was founded in different eras and features timeless designs and masterpieces from a century of Danish design. Together, they provide a wide assortment of styles, a massive selection and offer solutions for modern residential and commercial spaces. In this multi-dimensionally oriented destination, you will find a new distinctive model that elevates the connection and communication for the design community and offers unique creative content and experiences. STUDIO 9 uses the space as a means of actively exploring various brands and products, communicating and sharing with the creative community, and working with like-minded partners.  

CICC Members’ Meeting in Eastern China, March 7

07 March 2024
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to the Members' Meeting in Eastern China scheduled for Thursday, 7 March 2024 in Shanghai starting at 16:30 (Chinese time). Registration will start at 16:00. During the meeting, which will be held in English, the CCIC's strategic guidelines will be shared, as well as important updates on the governance, objectives pursued and achievements of our Chamber of Commerce. An update will also be provided on the main activities planned for 2024 nationwide, with a focus on the territories of Shanghai, Zhejiang, Anhui, Suzhou and Jiangsu. Space will also be given to some of our Working Groups.   Present for the occasion will be the Chairman of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce Paolo Bazzoni, Members of the Board of Directors based in the territory, as well as representatives of Sistema Italia.   The Members’ meeting is open to members only. Further details on the agenda will be shared in the coming days on our channels. At the end of the meeting, we will organise our monthly networking dinner, starting at 19:00 at the Bellavita Jingan restaurant.   EVENT DETAILS Venue: In-person at Space 9 (Shanghai 55 Yuyao road 1 floor). Date and time: 7 March 2024, 16:30-18:30 (Shanghai local time) Language: English The meeting is free of charge and open to CCIC members only.     Click here to register When registering, you can register for the Members' Meeting only, or choose the combination Members' Meeting + business networking dinner. For more information, please write to   ABOUT THE VENUE STUDIO 9 brings together four of Nine United Group's Danish design brands: HAY, &Tradition, Verpan, and Frandsen. Each of these brands was founded in different eras and features timeless designs and masterpieces from a century of Danish design. Together, they provide a wide assortment of styles, a massive selection and offer solutions for modern residential and commercial spaces. In this multi-dimensionally oriented destination, you will find a new distinctive model that elevates the connection and communication for the design community and offers unique creative content and experiences. STUDIO 9 uses the space as a means of actively exploring various brands and products, communicating and sharing with the creative community, and working with like-minded partners.  


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