
Training Seminar: How to Sell to China via Cross-Border E-Commerce, March 15

15 March 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the EU SME Centre is glad to invite you to our upcoming training seminar “How to Sell to China via Cross-Border E-Commerce” to be held on March 15th from 4:00 PM (Beijing Time), online via Zoom and offline in Beijing. This event is timed to coincide with the launch of the new EU SME Centre report Selling to China via Cross-Border E-Commerce.   OVERVIEW In recent years, cross-border e-commerce has taken off in China, providing European businesses unprecedented access to markets across the whole country. Improved delivery services, policies facilitating cross-border transactions, lesser initial investment needs as well as the exemptions of certain goods from registration, Chinese labelling, and testing requirements make cross-border e-commerce an attractive easily accessible way for European SMEs to sell their goods in China. The training seminar aims at discussing China’s CBEC market, and the legal requirements governing it as well as providing insights into different platforms and explaining how to become a merchant on China’s major e-commerce platforms. Join this training seminar to: •Understand China’s cross-border e-commerce market and the laws and regulations governing it; •Gain insights into how to become a merchant and manage your e-shop on China’s major e-commerce platforms; •Understand how to work with KOLs and market your products; •Learn from the case studies of doing business on China’s CBEC market; •Hear experience sharing from SME peers with our case studies.   AGENDA (Beijing Time) 16:00-16:10 Words of Welcome Presentation of the EU SME Centre | CCIC 16:10-16:30 Report Overview: Cross-Border E-Commerce – How to Set Up and Manage an E-Shop in China Arvid Tilner, EU SME Centre 16:30-17:10 Case Studies: Experience Sharing with European Companies on Chinese E-Commerce Platforms John Piao, Digiant Global Adrea Fenn, Adiacent International Bart Horsten, Horsten International Ryan Molloy, RedFern Digital 17:10-17:45 Panel Discussion John Piao, Digiant Global Andrea Fenn, Adiacent International Bart Horsten, Horsten International Ryan Molloy, RedFern Digital 17:45-18:00 Q&A Session   EVENT DETAILS Date: March 15th, 2023 Time: 4:00 - 6:00 pm (Beijing Time) Location: Online via Zoom Offline in Beijing: CCIC Office, 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, No. 1 Gongti North Road, Chaoyang District (limited spots available for offline tickets) Price: Free of Charge  Interested in joining? Click here to register. Any questions? Contact us at    

Training Seminar: How to Sell to China via Cross-Border E-Commerce, March 15

15 March 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the EU SME Centre is glad to invite you to our upcoming training seminar “How to Sell to China via Cross-Border E-Commerce” to be held on March 15th from 4:00 PM (Beijing Time), online via Zoom and offline in Beijing. This event is timed to coincide with the launch of the new EU SME Centre report Selling to China via Cross-Border E-Commerce.   OVERVIEW In recent years, cross-border e-commerce has taken off in China, providing European businesses unprecedented access to markets across the whole country. Improved delivery services, policies facilitating cross-border transactions, lesser initial investment needs as well as the exemptions of certain goods from registration, Chinese labelling, and testing requirements make cross-border e-commerce an attractive easily accessible way for European SMEs to sell their goods in China. The training seminar aims at discussing China’s CBEC market, and the legal requirements governing it as well as providing insights into different platforms and explaining how to become a merchant on China’s major e-commerce platforms. Join this training seminar to: •Understand China’s cross-border e-commerce market and the laws and regulations governing it; •Gain insights into how to become a merchant and manage your e-shop on China’s major e-commerce platforms; •Understand how to work with KOLs and market your products; •Learn from the case studies of doing business on China’s CBEC market; •Hear experience sharing from SME peers with our case studies.   AGENDA (Beijing Time) 16:00-16:10 Words of Welcome Presentation of the EU SME Centre | CCIC 16:10-16:30 Report Overview: Cross-Border E-Commerce – How to Set Up and Manage an E-Shop in China Arvid Tilner, EU SME Centre 16:30-17:10 Case Studies: Experience Sharing with European Companies on Chinese E-Commerce Platforms John Piao, Digiant Global Adrea Fenn, Adiacent International Bart Horsten, Horsten International Ryan Molloy, RedFern Digital 17:10-17:45 Panel Discussion John Piao, Digiant Global Andrea Fenn, Adiacent International Bart Horsten, Horsten International Ryan Molloy, RedFern Digital 17:45-18:00 Q&A Session   EVENT DETAILS Date: March 15th, 202 Time: 4:00 - 6:00 pm (Beijing Time) Location: Online via Zoom Offline in Beijing: CCIC Office, 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, No. 1 Gongti North Road, Chaoyang District (limited spots available for offline tickets) Price: Free of Charge  Interested in joining? Click here to register. Any questions? Contact us at    

Training Seminar: How to Sell to China via Cross-Border E-Commerce, March 15

15 March 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the EU SME Centre is glad to invite you to our upcoming training seminar “How to Sell to China via Cross-Border E-Commerce” to be held on March 15th from 4:00 PM (Beijing Time), online via Zoom and offline in Beijing. This event is timed to coincide with the launch of the new EU SME Centre report Selling to China via Cross-Border E-Commerce.   OVERVIEW In recent years, cross-border e-commerce has taken off in China, providing European businesses unprecedented access to markets across the whole country. Improved delivery services, policies facilitating cross-border transactions, lesser initial investment needs as well as the exemptions of certain goods from registration, Chinese labelling, and testing requirements make cross-border e-commerce an attractive easily accessible way for European SMEs to sell their goods in China. The training seminar aims at discussing China’s CBEC market, and the legal requirements governing it as well as providing insights into different platforms and explaining how to become a merchant on China’s major e-commerce platforms. Join this training seminar to: •Understand China’s cross-border e-commerce market and the laws and regulations governing it; •Gain insights into how to become a merchant and manage your e-shop on China’s major e-commerce platforms; •Understand how to work with KOLs and market your products; •Learn from the case studies of doing business on China’s CBEC market; •Hear experience sharing from SME peers with our case studies.   AGENDA (Beijing Time) 16:00-16:10 Words of Welcome Presentation of the EU SME Centre | CCIC 16:10-16:30 Report Overview: Cross-Border E-Commerce – How to Set Up and Manage an E-Shop in China Arvid Tilner, EU SME Centre 16:30-17:10 Case Studies: Experience Sharing with European Companies on Chinese E-Commerce Platforms John Piao, Digiant Global Adrea Fenn, Adiacent International Bart Horsten, Horsten International Ryan Molloy, RedFern Digital 17:10-17:45 Panel Discussion John Piao, Digiant Global Andrea Fenn, Adiacent International Bart Horsten, Horsten International Ryan Molloy, RedFern Digital 17:45-18:00 Q&A Session   EVENT DETAILS Date: March 15th, 202 Time: 4:00 - 6:00 pm (Beijing Time) Location: Online via Zoom Offline in Beijing: CCIC Office, 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, No. 1 Gongti North Road, Chaoyang District (limited spots available for offline tickets) Price: Free of Charge  Interested in joining? Click here to register. Any questions? Contact us at    

Evento CCIC, SACE: Le vie dell’export italiano in Cina, 7 marzo

07 March 2023
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di invitarvi all'incontro organizzato con SACE "Le vie dell'export italiano in Cina: la Mappa delle opportunità di SACE e le Coordinate della CCIC per orientare le scelte delle imprese italiane in Asia e in Cina". L'evento, in programma il 7 marzo 2023 sia in presenza a Pechino che in videoconferenza su Zoom, è gratuito e aperto – previa registrazione – a tutte le imprese interessate. Esperti della CCIC e di SACE forniranno una panoramica delle principali sfide e opportunità per le imprese italiane, sia quelle già localizzate in Asia, in particolar modo in Cina, sia quelle interessate ad approcciare questo importante mercato. Il tutto, grazie anche all'ausilio di due preziosi strumenti: la Mappa dei Rischi e delle Opportunità di SACE, la piattaforma interattiva che delinea i profili di rischio per le imprese che esportano e investono in mercati esteri; e la China-Italy Business Map, la nostra mappa interattiva aggiornata periodicamente che tratteggia la presenza delle aziende italiane in Cina e dei partner locali e stranieri legati al Sistema Italia, fornendo al contempo i dati macroeconomici di ogni provincia corredati di informazioni di contesto su infrastrutture e aree industriali.   AGENDA (ora cinese) 16:30 Avvio dei lavori 16:35 Saluti introduttivi: Marco Midolo, Primo Consigliere, Capo dell'Ufficio Economico e Commerciale dell'Ambasciata d'Italia nella RPC Paolo Bazzoni, Presidente della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) Donato Morea, Responsabile Ufficio SACE Shanghai Gianpaolo Bruno, Direttore dell’Ufficio ICE di Pechino e Coordinatore degli Uffici Cina e Mongolia 16:55 La Mappa delle opportunità di SACE, focus Asia e Cina Alessandro Terzulli, Chief Economist SACE  Claudio Cesaroni, Analista Ufficio Studi SACE 17:15 Le opportunità dell’export italiano nelle province cinesi Lorenzo Riccardi, Tesoriere della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina 17:35 L’esperienza delle imprese operanti sul territorio Fabio Antonello, General Manager di Regina (Tianjin) Chain & Belt Co., Ltd. e Vice Presidente per il Territorio Nord della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina 17:45 Sessione di Q&A   Moderatori: Renzo Isler, Segretario Generale della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina Donato Morea, Responsabile Ufficio SACE Shanghai   DETTAGLI EVENTO Data: martedì 7 marzo 2023   Orario: 16:30 - 18:00 (ora cinese) / 9:30 - 11:00 (ora italiana)   Luogo:    In presenza presso l'Ufficio CCIC di Pechino, 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongtibeilu No.1 (posti disponibili terminati) In videoconferenza tramite la piattaforma Zoom (il link sarà inviato ai partecipanti dopo conferma dell’avvenuta registrazione)   Lingua dei lavori: italiano   L’evento è gratuito e aperto a tutte le aziende interessate previa registrazione.   Per effettuare la registrazione, si prega di cliccare qui. Per ulteriori informazioni, contattaci a    

Evento CCIC, SACE: Le vie dell’export italiano in Cina, 7 marzo

07 March 2023
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di invitarvi all'incontro organizzato con SACE "Le vie dell'export italiano in Cina: la Mappa delle opportunità di SACE e le Coordinate della CCIC per orientare le scelte delle imprese italiane in Asia e in Cina". L'evento, in programma il 7 marzo 2023 sia in presenza a Pechino che in videoconferenza su Zoom, è gratuito e aperto – previa registrazione – a tutte le imprese interessate. Esperti della CCIC e di SACE forniranno una panoramica delle principali sfide e opportunità per le imprese italiane, sia quelle già localizzate in Asia, in particolar modo in Cina, sia quelle interessate ad approcciare questo importante mercato. Il tutto, grazie anche all'ausilio di due preziosi strumenti: la Mappa dei Rischi e delle Opportunità di SACE, la piattaforma interattiva che delinea i profili di rischio per le imprese che esportano e investono in mercati esteri; e la China-Italy Business Map, la nostra mappa interattiva aggiornata periodicamente che tratteggia la presenza delle aziende italiane in Cina e dei partner locali e stranieri legati al Sistema Italia, fornendo al contempo i dati macroeconomici di ogni provincia corredati di informazioni di contesto su infrastrutture e aree industriali.   AGENDA (ora cinese) 16:30 Avvio dei lavori 16:35 Saluti introduttivi: Marco Midolo, Primo Consigliere, Capo dell'Ufficio Economico e Commerciale dell'Ambasciata d'Italia nella RPC Paolo Bazzoni, Presidente della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) Donato Morea, Responsabile Ufficio SACE Shanghai Gianpaolo Bruno, Direttore dell’Ufficio ICE di Pechino e Coordinatore degli Uffici Cina e Mongolia 16:55 La Mappa delle opportunità di SACE, focus Asia e Cina Alessandro Terzulli, Chief Economist SACE  Claudio Cesaroni, Analista Ufficio Studi SACE 17:15 Le opportunità dell’export italiano nelle province cinesi Lorenzo Riccardi, Tesoriere della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina 17:35 L’esperienza delle imprese operanti sul territorio Fabio Antonello, General Manager di Regina (Tianjin) Chain & Belt Co., Ltd. e Vice Presidente per il Territorio Nord della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina 17:45 Sessione di Q&A   Moderatori: Renzo Isler, Segretario Generale della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina Donato Morea, Responsabile Ufficio SACE Shanghai   DETTAGLI EVENTO Data: martedì 7 marzo 2023   Orario: 16:30 - 18:00 (ora cinese) / 9:30 - 11:00 (ora italiana)   Luogo:    In presenza presso l'Ufficio CCIC di Pechino, 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongtibeilu No.1 (posti disponibili terminati) In videoconferenza tramite la piattaforma Zoom (il link sarà inviato ai partecipanti dopo conferma dell’avvenuta registrazione)   Lingua dei lavori: italiano   L’evento è gratuito e aperto a tutte le aziende interessate previa registrazione.   Per effettuare la registrazione, si prega di cliccare qui. Per ulteriori informazioni, contattaci a    

Networking Dinner in Beijing, March 7th

07 March 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to our upcoming Networking Dinner in Beijing. The event will take place on Tuesday, March 7th, in the Italian restaurant Bottega (Jinshang) from 7:00 pm. The dinner will be an occasion to meet our Chairman, Mr Paolo Bazzoni, and to introduce our newly elected Board Members in Beijing. Our members and friends will have the opportunity to meet with the Board, learn more about the CCIC's strategic directions, and gather and exchange with other representatives of the Sino-Italian business community.  We are looking forward to welcoming you and spending a delightful dinner together.  Guests’ registration will open at 7:00 pm.*  *Please note that the networking dinner is open to CCIC Members and Non-Members   AGENDA (Beijing Time) 7:00-7:30 pm Registration 7:30-7:45 pm Welcome Remarks by CCIC Representatives 7:45-9:30 pm Dinner   EVENT DETAILS Date: March 7th, 2023 Time: 7:00 - 9:30 pm (Beijing Time) Location: Bottega (Jinshang) / 意库(金商店) Venue Address: Xindonglu Xinyuanli Xi 20, First Foor / 北京市朝阳新东路新源里西20号金商源一层 Ticket Price: 380 RMB for CCIC Members / 420 RMB for Non-Members* *Ticket price includes dinner and wines   Interested in joining? Click HERE to register. Any questions? Contact us at    

Networking Dinner in Beijing, March 7th

07 March 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to our upcoming Networking Dinner in Beijing. The event will take place on Tuesday, March 7th, in the Italian restaurant Bottega (Jinshang) from 7:00 pm. The dinner will be an occasion to meet our Chairman, Mr Paolo Bazzoni, and to introduce our newly elected Board Members in Beijing. Our members and friends will have the opportunity to learn more about the CCIC's strategic directions and gather and exchange with other representatives of the Sino-Italian business community.  We are looking forward to welcoming you and spending a delightful dinner together.  Guests’ registration will open at 7:00 pm.*  *Please note that the networking dinner is open to CCIC Members and Non-Members   AGENDA (Beijing Time) 7:00-7:30 pm Registration 7:30-7:45 pm Welcome Remarks by CCIC Representatives 7:45-9:30 pm Dinner   EVENT DETAILS Date: March 7th, 2023 Time: 7:00 - 9:30 pm (Beijing Time) Location: Bottega (Jinshang) / 意库(金商店) Venue Address: Xindonglu Xinyuanli Xi 20, First Foor / 北京市朝阳新东路新源里西20号金商源一层 Ticket Price: 380 RMB for CCIC Members / 420 RMB for Non-Members* *Ticket price includes dinner and wines   Interested in joining? Click HERE to register. Any questions? Contact us at    

Networking Dinner in Beijing, March 7th

07 March 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to our upcoming Networking Dinner in Beijing. The event will take place on Tuesday, March 7th, in the Italian restaurant Bottega (Jinshang) from 7:00 pm. The dinner will be an occasion to meet our Chairman, Mr Paolo Bazzoni, and to introduce our newly elected Board Members in Beijing. Our members and friends will have the opportunity to meet with the Board, learn more about the CCIC's strategic directions, and gather and exchange with other representatives of the Sino-Italian business community.  We are looking forward to welcoming you and spending a delightful dinner together.  Guests’ registration will open at 7:00 pm.*  *Please note that the networking dinner is open to CCIC Members and Non-Members   AGENDA (Beijing Time) 7:00-7:30 pm Registration 7:30-7:45 pm Welcome Remarks by CCIC Representatives 7:45-9:30 pm Dinner   EVENT DETAILS Date: March 7th, 2023 Time: 7:00 - 9:30 pm (Beijing Time) Location: Bottega (Jinshang) / 意库(金商店) Venue Address: Xindonglu Xinyuanli Xi 20, First Foor / 北京市朝阳新东路新源里西20号金商源一层 Ticket Price: 380 RMB for CCIC Members / 420 RMB for Non-Members* *Ticket price includes dinner and wines   Interested in joining? Click HERE to register. Any questions? Contact us at    

Evento CCIC, SACE: Le vie dell’export italiano in Cina, 7 marzo

07 March 2023
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di invitarvi all'incontro organizzato con SACE "Le vie dell'export italiano in Cina: la Mappa delle opportunità di SACE e le Coordinate della CCIC per orientare le scelte delle imprese italiane in Asia e in Cina". L'evento, in programma il 7 marzo 2023 sia in presenza a Pechino che in videoconferenza su Zoom, è gratuito e aperto – previa registrazione – a tutte le imprese interessate. Esperti della CCIC e di SACE forniranno una panoramica delle principali sfide e opportunità per le imprese italiane, sia quelle già localizzate in Asia, in particolar modo in Cina, sia quelle interessate ad approcciare questo importante mercato. Il tutto, grazie anche all'ausilio di due preziosi strumenti: la Mappa dei Rischi e delle Opportunità di SACE, la piattaforma interattiva che delinea i profili di rischio per le imprese che esportano e investono in mercati esteri; e la China-Italy Business Map, la nostra mappa interattiva aggiornata periodicamente che tratteggia la presenza delle aziende italiane in Cina e dei partner locali e stranieri legati al Sistema Italia, fornendo al contempo i dati macroeconomici di ogni provincia corredati di informazioni di contesto su infrastrutture e aree industriali.   AGENDA (ora cinese) 16:30 Avvio dei lavori 16:35 Saluti introduttivi: Marco Midolo, Primo Consigliere, Capo dell'Ufficio Economico e Commerciale dell'Ambasciata d'Italia nella RPC Paolo Bazzoni, Presidente della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) Donato Morea, Responsabile Ufficio SACE Shanghai Gianpaolo Bruno, Direttore dell’Ufficio ICE di Pechino e Coordinatore degli Uffici Cina e Mongolia 16:55 La Mappa delle opportunità di SACE, focus Asia e Cina Alessandro Terzulli, Chief Economist SACE  Claudio Cesaroni, Analista Ufficio Studi SACE 17:15 Le opportunità dell’export italiano nelle province cinesi Lorenzo Riccardi, Tesoriere della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina 17:35 L’esperienza delle imprese operanti sul territorio Fabio Antonello, General Manager di Regina (Tianjin) Chain & Belt Co., Ltd. e Vice Presidente per il Territorio Nord della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina 17:45 Sessione di Q&A   Moderatori: Renzo Isler, Segretario Generale della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina Donato Morea, Responsabile Ufficio SACE Shanghai   DETTAGLI EVENTO Data: martedì 7 marzo 2023   Orario: 16:30 - 18:00 (ora cinese) / 9:30 - 11:00 (ora italiana)   Luogo:    In presenza presso l'Ufficio CCIC di Pechino, 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongtibeilu No.1 (posti disponibili terminati) In videoconferenza tramite la piattaforma Zoom (il link sarà inviato ai partecipanti dopo conferma dell’avvenuta registrazione)   Lingua dei lavori: italiano   L’evento è gratuito e aperto a tutte le aziende interessate previa registrazione.   Per effettuare la registrazione, si prega di cliccare qui. Per ulteriori informazioni, contattaci a    

Members Business Aperitif: New Year Edition - Beijing, January 16th

16 January 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to participate in our "Members Business Aperitif: New Year Edition" in Beijing. The event will take place on Monday, January 16th, from 6:30 pm at the Tapas Bar in the Intercontinental Hotel Beijing Sanlitun.  The evening will be an occasion for all our Members and Friends of CICC for meeting our representatives, gathering with other Members and for mutual exchange. Please note that the aperitif is exclusively for CICC Members and Friends.   EVENT DETAILS Date: January 16th, 2023 Time: 6:30-8:30 pm (Beijing Time); Guest registration will start at 6:00 pm Venue: Tapas Bar, Intercontinental (Beijing Sanlitun), 3rd Floor Address: No.1 Nansanlitun Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路1号 Tickets: 268 RMB (exclusively for CICC Members and Friends) *Ticket price includes canapes and two drink. Interested in joining? Click here to register.  Any questions? Send us an email at  


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