
Convocazione Assemblea Generale CCIC – Pechino, 27 marzo

27 March 2024
Cari Soci e Amici, La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) è lieta di informarvi che, come previsto dall’art. 11 dello Statuto camerale, viene convocata per il giorno 27 marzo 2024 l’Assemblea Generale della CCIC.   L’Assemblea si riunirà in prima convocazione alle 9:30, ora di Pechino. Se all’ora prefissata non dovesse verificarsi la condizione indicata all’art. 11.4 dello Statuto, l’Assemblea si riunirà alle ore 10:00 in seconda convocazione. Si raccomanda la partecipazione in seconda convocazione.   I Soci sono invitati a partecipare in presenza presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Pechino. Qualora impossibilitati, viene altresì fornita la possibilità di seguire la riunione assembleare da remoto tramite la piattaforma Zoom, il cui link verrà circolato in prossimità della data dell’assemblea.   Si ricorda che la partecipazione è aperta alla sola base associativa della CCIC previa registrazione obbligatoria. Saranno ammessi anche le categorie dei “Friends” e “Young Professionals”, che però non avranno diritto di voto (art. 4.3. dello Statuto).   L’Assemblea si svolgerà esclusivamente in lingua italiana.   ORDINE DEL GIORNO   *Alla votazione in presenza potranno partecipare i soli Soci aventi diritto che non hanno precedentemente espresso il proprio voto per via elettronica (per maggiori dettagli sulla votazione si rimanda al paragrafo seguente).   REGISTRAZIONE E PARTECIPAZIONE ALL'ASSEMBLEA GENERALE I Soci sono invitati a partecipare all’Assemblea in presenza presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Pechino. Qualora impossibilitati, viene altresì fornita la possibilità di seguire la riunione assembleare da remoto tramite la piattaforma Zoom.   REGISTRAZIONE   **La partecipazione è aperta alla sola base associativa della CCIC previa registrazione obbligatoria. In fase di registrazione, i Soci Corporate sono invitati a utilizzare la propria e-mail aziendale. Saranno ammessi anche le categorie dei “Friends” e “Young Professionals”, che però non avranno diritto di voto (art. 4.3. dello Statuto).   Per l’evento in presenza: il termine ultimo per effettuare la registrazione è lunedì 25 marzo 2024. Nel modulo di registrazione andrà indicato anche il numero del proprio documento d’identità (per i Soci di nazionalità cinese) o il numero del proprio passaporto (per tutti gli altri Soci). Tali informazioni rimarranno strettamente confidenziali e saranno consegnate in via esclusiva all’Ambasciata d’Italia a Pechino per consentire l’accesso dei Soci all’interno della struttura.   Per l’evento online: il link Zoom tramite cui seguire la riunione assembleare sarà condiviso via mail dalla Segreteria agli associati registrati il giorno prima dell’Assemblea.   MODALITA' DI VOTAZIONE DEL BILANCIO CONSUNTIVO 2023 E PREVENTIVO 2024   I Soci appartenenti alle categorie aventi diritto di voto in base all’art. 4 del nostro Statuto sono chiamati a esprimere il proprio voto per l’approvazione del Bilancio Consuntivo 2023 e Preventivo 2024.   Il voto può essere espresso: (a) di persona a Pechino il giorno dell’Assemblea; (b) per via elettronica mediante la piattaforma di voto online Election Runner tra le ore 09:00 del 22 marzo e le ore 18:00 del 26 marzo***.   ***I Soci aventi diritto di voto riceveranno una e-mail con mittente e inviata attraverso Election Runner. All’interno dell’e-mail troveranno un link mediante cui poter raggiungere la piattaforma ed esprimere il proprio voto e in allegato il Bilancio Consuntivo 2023 e Preventivo 2024.   Si ricorda che in base all’art. 11.10 dello Statuto Camerale, i Soci possono farsi rappresentare in Assemblea da altri Soci (in presenza). Ciascuna persona fisica non può ricevere più di tre [3] deleghe. La delega è considerata valida solo se firmata dal rappresentante principale del socio delegante, ove il socio delegante sia una persona giuridica, o dal socio delegante stesso, ove trattasi di persona fisica. Non sono ammesse sotto-deleghe.   SCARICA QUI IL MODULO DELEGA   Si tenga presente che non sono ammesse deleghe per la votazione elettronica. Si ricorda inoltre che per votare è necessario essere in possesso dell’associazione camerale in corso di validità.  La data ultima per il rinnovo ai fini della votazione del Bilancio Consuntivo 2023 ed il Preventivo 2024 è il giorno 19 marzo 2024. L’esito della votazione sarà annunciato in sede di Assemblea e successivamente pubblicato sul sito web camerale.   Per qualsiasi dubbio o chiarimento, si prega di contattare:  

WORKSHOP | Decoding China's Labour Market: HR Insights & Recommendations for EU SMEs

14 March 2024
Active management and talent development have never been so crucial for European SMEs in China. The labour market landscape in China is dynamic and characterised by frequent updates to laws and regulations. Job preferences among the labour force have dramatically evolved, particularly since the pandemic. This workshop by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and the EU SME Centre brings to the attention of European SMEs the importance of navigating the details of human resources management in China while offering insights into relevant labour laws, regulations, and best practices to recruit, manage and retain talent.  During this event, SME owners and management of European businesses in China will share their practical experience on the challenges they faced in HR management and how they have dealt with the issues and tackled the challenges.   EVENT DETAILS Date: 14 March 2024 Time: from 16:00 to 17:30 (Beijing Time) Venue: Online on Zoom and Onsite in Beijing Address: WeWork Pacific Century Place Building C South Entrance Door 528 2 Gongti North Road Chaoyang District Beijing | 北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路甲2号 盈科中心C座南侧528号门   AGENDA 3:45 - 4:00 PM Registration at the venue (For onsite participants in Beijing) 4:00 - 4:10 PM Opening remarks 4:10 - 4:30 PM Introduction on HR Insights Hunter Shi, International Development Consultant, Stantec 4:30 - 4:50 PM HR Recommendations for EU SMEs​ ​Tristan Wang, Regional Head North China, Gi Group Holding 4:50 - 5:10 PM Panel discussion: Experience sharing – HR management for SMEs in China Moderator: Liam Jia, Team Leader, EU SME Centre Panellists: Emma Liu, HRBP, Generali China Life Ada Zhang, HR Director, Goglio (Tianjin) Packaging Co., Ltd. Florian Hajzeri, General Manager, Technoalpin 5:10 - 5:30 PM Q&A session   CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE EVENT!   MEET OUR SPEAKERS IN BEIJING!   Ada Zhang Human Resources Director, Goglio (Tianjin) Packaging Co., Ltd.     Ada Zhang graduated with a MBA degree from Nankai University and has more than 20 years of HR management experience in manufacturing companies. During her seven years in Goglio, she has been responsible for HR, IT, Legal and Public Affairs. She is a constant learner: she is certified DISC Behavioral and Motivator Analyst, participated in the online training program of Positive Psychology by Tsinghua University and took part to Activation Coaching Training Program certified by ICF International Coach Federation.     Emma Dan Liu Human Resources Business Partner, Generali China Life   Emma Liu graduated from the University of Birmingham in 2014. She currently work as a Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP) in Generali China Life (GCL). She has more than ten years of working experience in the field of Human Resources and she is currently responsible for recruitment, employee relations management and salary management.     Florian Hajzeri General Manager, TechnoAlpin Ice and Snow Equipment Zhangjiakou Co.,Ltd of Italian TechnoAlpin Group     Undergraduate graduated from the University of Vienna, majoring in Sinology, during which he was an exchange student to Peking University Guanghua School of Management; he obtained an Masters degree from Hult International Business, and has been engaged in overseas business development and management for a long time, and is now the general manager of TechnoAlpin Ice and Snow Equipment Zhangjiakou Co.,Ltd of Italian TechnoAlpin Group.     Hunter Shi International Development Consultant, Stantec     Hunter is an International Development Consultant with Stantec, specializing in international development, social consulting & auditing. Primarily focused on social implementation & monitoring, stakeholder engagement, and project evaluation, Hunter has completed multiple environmental and social due diligence and labour audits projects for multinational clients across industries such as water, chemical, and construction. His work is also highlighted through the abundant international developmental projects for both the public sector and non-profit organizations, spanning the agriculture, mining, and infrastructure industries.     Tristan Wang Regional Head, Gi Group Holding     With more than 14 years of experience in the field of labor recruitment, employment, and management, he is currently the regional head of Gi Group Holding China, one of a European leading human resources service group, he has extensive experience in the labor market and workforce management in China, European Union, especially in the Belt and Road countries.

CICC 中Y意 2024 Edition of Mentorship Program

23 February 2024
The Young Professionals Network (中Y意) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Gi Group Holding is glad to invite you to join its Second Edition of the Mentorship Program “Career Development for China”. Scroll down to register and read the program details   The program is designed to help undergraduates and graduate students to start building a professional career and compete in the Chinese Job Market. Our Mentor from Gi Group Holding expert team Daniele Merlerati, Chief Regional Officer APAC, Switzerland, Baltics, will provide coaching on career development in China and will give tips on how to start and shape your career. It will be an engaging and tailor-made format that will allow you to interact directly with the expert, to develop and improve soft skills that will be useful to navigate today’s challenges. The Mentorship Program is organized in two Zoom online sessions, on February 23rd and March 1st, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Please note that the number of seats for this program is limited to 25.   PROGRAM DETAILS Session I (February 23rd, 4:00-6:00 pm): Career Plan for China Session II (March 1st, 4:00-6:00 pm): All the Skills You Need for the Chinese Job Market   I Session: Career Plan for China                   What is a career plan The importance of carrier plan vs hopping and improvisation Career plan in the Chinese working environment  Changes and outcomes Are MBA and Ph.D. the right choices?   II Session: All the skills you need for the Chinese Job Market        Sectors of interest China Sectors of interest Europe/Global Demographic trends How to get the right skills Suggested skills for Fresh Graduates How to prepare a good CV and job interview   MENTOR Daniele Merlerati, Chief Regional Officer APAC, Switzerland, Baltics at Gi Group Holding Daniele Merlerati, in Gi Group Holding since 2007, joined the Group as Branch Manager in Italy and quickly climbed his career reaching the role of Country Manager in 5 countries, including China from 2010 to 2012. Since 2013 he has been following the APAC area and in 2019 he assumed the role of Regional Head APAC Switzerland and Lithuania. With his international experience of the labour market in 13 countries, Mr Merlerati is very active in mentoring young talents.   Click here to register to the event!   EVENT DETAILS Date:  Session I: Friday,  February 23rd Session II: Friday, March 1st   Time: 4:00-6:00 pm Place: Online Via Zoom (link will be shared before the event) Language: English  Event Fee:  CICC Members: 160 RMB (Two-Day Pass);  Non-Members: 260 RMB (Two-Day Pass) Early Birds Tickets: SOLD OUT N.B.: The two sessions are part of the same program and cannot be purchased separately. If you have any questions, contact us at   Not a Member of the Young Professionals Network yet?  Send us an email to

CICC 中Y意 2024 Edition of Mentorship Program

23 February 2024
The Young Professionals Network (中Y意) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Gi Group Holding is glad to invite you to join its Second Edition of the Mentorship Program “Career Development for China”. Scroll down to register and read the program details   The program is designed to help undergraduates and graduate students to start building a professional career and compete in the Chinese Job Market. Our Mentor from Gi Group Holding expert team Daniele Merlerati, Chief Regional Officer APAC, Switzerland, Baltics, will provide coaching on career development in China and will give tips on how to start and shape your career. It will be an engaging and tailor-made format that will allow you to interact directly with the expert, to develop and improve soft skills that will be useful to navigate today’s challenges. The Mentorship Program is organized in two Zoom online sessions, on February 23rd and March 1st, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Please note that the number of seats for this program is limited to 25.   PROGRAM DETAILS Session I (February 23rd, 4:00-6:00 pm): Career Plan for China Session II (March 1st, 4:00-6:00 pm): All the Skills You Need for the Chinese Job Market   I Session: Career Plan for China                   What is a career plan The importance of carrier plan vs hopping and improvisation Career plan in the Chinese working environment  Changes and outcomes Are MBA and Ph.D. the right choices?   II Session: All the skills you need for the Chinese Job Market               Sectors of interest China Sectors of interest Europe/Global Demographic trends How to get the right skills Suggested skills for Fresh Graduates How to prepare a good CV and job interview   MENTOR Daniele Merlerati, Chief Regional Officer APAC, Switzerland, Baltics at Gi Group Holding Daniele Merlerati, in Gi Group Holding since 2007, joined the Group as Branch Manager in Italy and quickly climbed his career reaching the role of Country Manager in 5 countries, including China from 2010 to 2012. Since 2013 he has been following the APAC area and in 2019 he assumed the role of Regional Head APAC Switzerland and Lithuania. With his international experience of the labour market in 13 countries, Mr Merlerati is very active in mentoring young talents.   Click here to register to the event!   EVENT DETAILS Date:  Session I: Friday,  February 23rd Session II: Friday, March 1st   Time: 4:00-6:00 pm Place: Online Via Zoom (link will be shared before the event) Language: English  Event Fee:  CICC Members: 160 RMB (Two-Day Pass);  Non-Members: 260 RMB (Two-Day Pass) Early Bird Tickets: SOLD OUT N.B.: The two sessions are part of the same program and cannot be purchased separately. If you have any questions, contact us at   Not a Member of the Young Professionals Network yet?  Send us an email to

CICC 中Y意 2024 Edition of Mentorship Program

23 February 2024
The Young Professionals Network (中Y意) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Gi Group Holding is glad to invite you to join its Second Edition of the Mentorship Program “Career Development for China”. Scroll down to register and read the program details   The program is designed to help undergraduates and graduate students to start building a professional career and compete in the Chinese Job Market. Our Mentor from Gi Group Holding expert team Daniele Merlerati, Chief Regional Officer APAC, Switzerland, Baltics, will provide coaching on career development in China and will give tips on how to start and shape your career. It will be an engaging and tailor-made format that will allow you to interact directly with the expert, to develop and improve soft skills that will be useful to navigate today’s challenges. The Mentorship Program is organized in two Zoom online sessions, on February 23rd and March 1st, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Please note that the number of seats for this program is limited to 25.   PROGRAM DETAILS Session I (February 23rd, 4:00-6:00 pm): Career Plan for China Session II (March 1st, 4:00-6:00 pm): All the Skills You Need for the Chinese Job Market   I Session: Career Plan for China                   What is a career plan The importance of carrier plan vs hopping and improvisation Career plan in the Chinese working environment  Changes and outcomes Are MBA and Ph.D. the right choices?   II Session: All the skills you need for the Chinese Job Market                            Sectors of interest China Sectors of interest Europe/Global Demographic trends How to get the right skills Suggested skills for Fresh Graduates How to prepare a good CV and job interview   MENTOR Daniele Merlerati, Chief Regional Officer APAC, Switzerland, Baltics at Gi Group Holding Daniele Merlerati, in Gi Group Holding since 2007, joined the Group as Branch Manager in Italy and quickly climbed his career reaching the role of Country Manager in 5 countries, including China from 2010 to 2012. Since 2013 he has been following the APAC area and in 2019 he assumed the role of Regional Head APAC Switzerland and Lithuania. With his international experience of the labour market in 13 countries, Mr Merlerati is very active in mentoring young talents.   Click here to register to the event!   EVENT DETAILS Date:  Session I: Friday,  February 23rd Session II: Friday, March 1st   Time: 4:00-6:00 pm Place: Online Via Zoom (link will be shared before the event) Language: English  Event Fee:  CICC Members: 160 RMB (Two-Day Pass);  Non-Members: 260 RMB (Two-Day Pass) Early Birds Tickets: SOLD OUT N.B.: The two sessions are part of the same program and cannot be purchased separately. If you have any questions, contact us at   Not a Member of the Young Professionals Network yet?  Send us an email to


29 January 2024
中国意大利商会与意大利米其林星级餐厅迦达花园合作,诚邀您参加一场别开生面的社交酒会,并享用简易自助餐,共同探索2024年面临的机遇。   议程 18:30 - 18:45 来宾签到 18:45 - 18:55 欢迎辞: 意大利驻华大使安博思致 中国意大利商会会长保罗.巴颂尼致欢迎辞 18: 55 - 19:00 中国意大利商会年度计划和华北区主要活动 19:00 - 21:00  交流、简易自助餐和现场音乐   期待什么 体验迦达花园的精致氛围,这家餐厅在2024年北京《米其林指南》中被评为一星级餐厅。主厨 Marino D'Antonio 将在轻柔的爵士乐伴奏中为我们奉上美味佳肴,晚宴将搭配由100ITA提供的精选意大利葡萄酒。   主厨Marino D'Antonio主理的餐前小食   100ITA甄选葡萄酒       注册 Secure you ticket by clicking here! 门票信息: 商会会员:400元 非商会会员:480元   活动细节 日期:2024年1月29日,周一 时间:  18:30 - 21:30 地址: 建国门外大街1号中国大饭店3层迦达花园   任何疑问,请联系   认识我们的活动合作伙伴:   迦达花园的厨房由知名意大利大厨 Marino D'Antonio 执掌。来自意大利贝加莫的他,将自己深厚的意大利文化背景与在中国丰富的餐饮经历相结合,为迦达花园创造出了独特的餐饮理念表达方式。他设计的菜单集结了全球最优质的食材,为您呈现结合了意大利传统和现代技法的烹饪艺术,用创造性的方式向您传达 GIADA 的品牌理念。   GIADA Garden 迦达花园餐厅荣获2024北京米其林指南一星餐厅。     100ITA是一个全球性项目,旨在通过与人们分享最真实的意大利激情和生活方式,传播、保护和继承“意大利制造”的美食和美酒文化.

REGISTER NOW | CICC Members New Year’s Gathering, January 29th

29 January 2024
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Italian Michelin-Starred Restaurant GIADA Garden, is glad to invite you to an exclusive networking aperitif with a light buffet as we gather to explore the upcoming opportunities of 2024.   AGENDA 18:30 - 18:45 Guest Registration 18:45 - 18:55 Welcome Remarks: H.E. Massimo Ambrosetti, Ambassador of Italy to the P.R.C. Mr. Paolo Bazzoni, Chairman of China-Italy Chamber of Commerce 18:55 - 19:00 CICC yearly plan and main activities in the North 19:00 - 21:00 Networking, light buffet & live music   WHAT TO EXPECT Experience the refined ambiance of GIADA Garden, recognized with One Star in the 2024 MICHELIN Guide Beijing. Chef Marino D'Antonio will be treating us to delightful culinary creations that will be accompanied by a selection of Italian wines selected by 100ITA. The event will be accompanied by live soft jazz.   Canapeés by Chef Marino D'Antonio   Wines selected by 100ITA       REGISTRATION Secure you ticket by clicking here! Ticket Information: CICC Members: 400 RMB Non-members: 480 RMB   EVENT DETAILS Date: Monday, January 29th, 2024 Time: 18:30 - 21:30  Venue: Giada Garden, 3/F, China World Hotel, No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing   For any inquiries, please reach out to us at:   Meet our event partner:   GIADA Garden Kitchen is leaded by chef Marino D'Antonio from Bergamo. With Italian cultural background, and rich knowledge of Chinese dining, Marino creates an unique expression for the concept of GIADA Garden. The restaurant’s menu he designs features the best ingredients from all over the world, combining Italian traditional cuisine and modern culinary techniques, presented to you in an innovative way, expressing the concept of GIADA brand.   GIADA Garden Awarded One Star in the 2024 MICHELIN Guide Beijing.     100ITA is a global project with the mission to promote, protect and preserve the culture of "Made in Italy" food and wine by sharing with people the most authentic Italian passion and lifestyle.

Energy Working Group Members’ Meeting, CICC Beijing Jan. 30th

30 January 2024
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that on January 30th the Members of its Energy and Environment Protection Working Group (EEPWG) will reunite in a meeting at CICC Headquarter Office in Beijing. The meeting will be a platform to discuss current challenges and opportunities for companies in the industry.  It is aimed at presenting the working program of the group and collecting feedback and ideas from the member companies.   RSVP This meeting is reserved for the EEPWG Members and Member companies in the sector of the energy and environmental protection. To register, please send an email to: Please be advised that seating is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and with priority to working groups members in the field.   EVENTS DETAILS Date: Tuesday, January 30th 2024 Time: from 2:00 to 3:00 pm Address: China-Italy Chamber of Commerce 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongti North Road No.1, Chaoyang Dist. Beijing (北京朝阳区工体北路1号三里屯外交公寓3-2-021)   About Energy & Environment Protection Working Group (EEPWG) Coordinator Teti Maria Licursi  ENI Representative Office Beijing   Vice - Coordinators   Luigi Fiato  RINA (Shanghai) INDUSTRY INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY Co., LTD    Shouxiang Sun (Eric)  SNAM China   EEPWG welcomes all Italian companies, entities, and individuals operating within the energy and environmental protection industrial sectors along the relative value chains (upstream, downstream, fossil energy, renewable energy, distribution, consumption, emission/water/waste/soil treatment, energy saving, etc.). EEPWG is an initiative supported by the Embassy of Italy to the PRC and China-Italy Chamber of Commerce. EEPWG aims at representing the active coordination structure of the “Pacchetto Energia/Ambiente” developed by the Embassy of Italy in 2014 and subject to many inter-governmental agreements.   For more information about EEPWG please click here

Energy Working Group Members’ Meeting, CICC Beijing Jan. 30th

30 January 2024
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that on January 30th the Members of its Energy and Environment Protection Working Group (EEPWG) will reunite in a meeting at CICC Headquarter Office in Beijing. The meeting will be a platform to discuss current challenges and opportunities for companies in the industry.  It is aimed at presenting the working program of the group and collecting feedback and ideas from the member companies.   RSVP This meeting is reserved for the EEPWG Members and Member companies in the sector of the energy and environmental protection. To register, please send an email to: Please be advised that seating is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and with priority to working groups members in the field.   EVENTS DETAILS Date: Tuesday, January 30th 2024 Time: from 2:00 to 3:00 pm Address: China-Italy Chamber of Commerce 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongti North Road No.1, Chaoyang Dist. Beijing (北京朝阳区工体北路1号三里屯外交公寓3-2-021)   About Energy & Environment Protection Working Group (EEPWG) Coordinator Teti Maria Licursi  ENI Representative Office Beijing   Vice - Coordinators   Luigi Fiato  RINA (Shanghai) INDUSTRY INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY Co., LTD    Shouxiang Sun (Eric)  SNAM China   EEPWG welcomes all Italian companies, entities, and individuals operating within the energy and environmental protection industrial sectors along the relative value chains (upstream, downstream, fossil energy, renewable energy, distribution, consumption, emission/water/waste/soil treatment, energy saving, etc.). EEPWG is an initiative supported by the Embassy of Italy to the PRC and China-Italy Chamber of Commerce. EEPWG aims at representing the active coordination structure of the “Pacchetto Energia/Ambiente” developed by the Embassy of Italy in 2014 and subject to many inter-governmental agreements.   For more information about EEPWG please click here

Energy Working Group Members’ Meeting, CICC Beijing Jan. 30th

30 January 2024
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to announce that on January 30th the Members of its Energy and Environment Protection Working Group (EEPWG) will reunite in a meeting at CICC Headquarter Office in Beijing. The meeting will be a platform to discuss current challenges and opportunities for companies in the industry.  It is aimed at presenting the working program of the group and collecting feedback and ideas from the member companies.   RSVP This meeting is reserved for the EEPWG Members and Member companies in the sector of the energy and environmental protection. To register, please send an email to: Please be advised that seating is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and with priority to working groups members in the field.   EVENTS DETAILS Date: Tuesday, January 30th 2024 Time: from 2:00 to 3:00 pm Address: China-Italy Chamber of Commerce 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence Compound, Gongti North Road No.1, Chaoyang Dist. Beijing (北京朝阳区工体北路1号三里屯外交公寓3-2-021)   About Energy & Environment Protection Working Group (EEPWG) Coordinator Teti Maria Licursi  ENI Representative Office Beijing   Vice - Coordinators   Luigi Fiato  RINA (Shanghai) INDUSTRY INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY Co., LTD    Shouxiang Sun (Eric)  SNAM China   EEPWG welcomes all Italian companies, entities, and individuals operating within the energy and environmental protection industrial sectors along the relative value chains (upstream, downstream, fossil energy, renewable energy, distribution, consumption, emission/water/waste/soil treatment, energy saving, etc.). EEPWG is an initiative supported by the Embassy of Italy to the PRC and China-Italy Chamber of Commerce. EEPWG aims at representing the active coordination structure of the “Pacchetto Energia/Ambiente” developed by the Embassy of Italy in 2014 and subject to many inter-governmental agreements.   For more information about EEPWG please click here


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