Call for Experts: Research Report Experts

28 January 2021

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) would like to inform that the EU SME Centre – the European Union Centre for the Small and Medium Enterprises - is looking for Research Experts to provide sector reports, technical guidelines and case studies on market opportunities and challenges for European SMEs in China. A list of previous reports can be found, for reference, on the EU SME Centre’s website:

CICC, as a Leading Partner of EU SME Centre, is responsible for the formulation of one market report, and will support in the Experts’ selection process.

Specifically, we are now looking for short term experts who can research and write reports in the following subject area:

  • Machinery.

The standard content to be covered by the report include: market overview, subsectors, relevant regulations, market drivers, market entry requirements (incl. standards, certification, licensing), distribution channels, key competitors (domestic and foreign), key opportunities and challenges for European SMEs, case studies of European SMEs.



A first draft of the report must be submitted to the EU SME Centre within April 2021.


Application Process

Send an e-mail to inclusive of:

  • Short proposal of the report;
  • A quotation of workdays and fees required;


The application deadline is Wednesday, February 12th, 2021.


The applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • At least five years’ experience in the research area
  • Ability to write excellent English reports
  • Be based either in the EU or China
  • Be a CICC Member


Following internal evaluation made according to the service's requirements and the proposed quotation, CICC will revert to you regarding the tender’s result.

For any question regarding the tender or further details required, please send an email to .


About the EU SME Centre

The EU SME Centre is an EU-funded initiative that provides a comprehensive range of hands-on support services to European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), getting them ready to do business in China.

The EU SME Centre provides advice and support in four areas – business development, law, standards and conformity and human resources. Collaborating with external experts worldwide, the Centre converts valuable knowledge and experience into practical business tools and services easily accessible online. From first-line advice to in-depth technical solutions, we offer services through: 

  • Knowledge Centre: Containing nearly 200 comprehensive market reports, guidelines and case studies available to download from our website.
  • Advice Centre: Saving your time, money and providing reassurance that you have the right information to support your business decisions.
  • Training Centre: Offering training programmes both face-to-face and online to plug the knowledge and skills gaps of SMEs entering the China market.
  • SME Advocacy Platform: Providing a coherent, consistent and consolidated voice for European small businesses in China


Kind Regards,


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