E-Commerce: How to sell your products online?

Landmark Tower II Unit 0830 8, North Dongsanhuan Road Chaoyang District Beijing 100004 P.R. China
9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday & Tuesday, November 04-05, 2013
• Cancellation requests must be confirmed by Email to the CICC: info@cameraitacina.com
Registration must be send back to info@cameraitacina.com
The China Italy Chamber of Commerce, together with the French Chamber of Commerce in China, the European Union Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, the German Chamber of Commerce in China, the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce in China, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China and the Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China is glad to invite you to the French Chamber`s Training
CICC - Events
4400 RMB / Members 4800 RMB / Non members * Price includes lectures, course materials and lunch.

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