Latest News

02 September 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the XI Edition of the signature yearly event Italian Night “Notte Italiana” to...

26 August 2024

Con la presente si convoca l’Assemblea Elettiva suppletiva per l’elezione delle cariche di 1) Vice Presidente e 1) Consigliere ...

23 August 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) successfully held its Monthly Networking Dinner on Wednesday, August 21st at Cellar to Table, in ...

Membership: special promotion! CICC’s China-Italy Juvenes Professional Network (中J意 )
23 June 2020

Dear young professional,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce offers you the possibility to join the CICC’s China-Italy Juvenes Professional Network (中J意 ).

Procedura di acquisto pacchetto servizi per rientro in Cina_2 luglio 2020 MPX – NKG
23 June 2020

Cari Amici e Colleghi,

La presente per fornire un aggiornamento in merito al progetto rientro degli imprenditori e manager italiani in Cina.

Comunichiamo che è possibile procedere fin da subito con la prenotazione del volo aereo operato da NEOS con partenza prevista per il giorno 2 luglio da Milano Malpensa (MXP) alle ore 16:15 e arrivo a Nanchino (NKG) il giorno 3 Luglio alle ore 9:50 (orario locale).

Post Event - CICC Innovation & Technology Working group Webinar: “Technologically driven change, practical implications” - 19th June, 2020
19 June 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the CICC Innovation & Technology Working group Webinar Series: “Technologically driven change, practical implications” was successfully held online on Friday June 19th, 2020.

Innovation & Technology Working Group (I&TWG) - Vice-Coordinator Election
19 June 2020

This is to summon an Innovation & Technology Working Group (I&TWG) online meeting on 19/06/2020 at 6.00 p.m (Beijing time).

POST EVENT – Webinar “Process to apply the Chinese Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card” – June 18th, 2020
18 June 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the Webinar “Process to apply the Chinese Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card” was successfully held online on Thursday June 18th, 2020.

CICC’s China-Italy Juvenes Professional Network (中J意 ) Membership
17 June 2020

Dear young professional,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce offers you the possibility to join the CICC’s China-Italy Juvenes Professional Network (中J意 ).

Aggiornamento sul ritorno degli imprenditori italiani in Cina - 17 giugno 2020
17 June 2020

Facendo seguito a quanto comunicato in data 13 giugno 2020, la presente per fornire un aggiornamento in merito al progetto rientro degli imprenditori italiani in Cina. Di seguito le possibili date di partenza dei due voli charter in programma:

Agenzia ICE - Selezione di un Esperto per il Desk Anticontraffazione e Ostacoli al Commercio (Desk IPR)
17 June 2020

Cari Soci e Amici,

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina vi informa che Agenzia ICE ha avviato la procedura di selezione per reperire un esperto per il servizio di informazione e assistenza svolto dal Desk Anticontraffazione e Ostacoli al Commercio (Desk IPR) attivo presso l’Ufficio di Pechino.

CICC Job Board
17 June 2020

Dear All,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform you that the new CICC Job Board platform is now available on its official website.

POST EVENT - The Authentic Italian Table 13th June, 2020 - Shanghai
16 June 2020

POST EVENT - The Authentic Italian Table 13th June, 2020 - Shanghai


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