Latest News

30 December 2024

Annuncio Candidati – Assemblea Elettiva Suppletiva Proboviro

18 December 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is delighted to announce the establishment of a long-term partnership with the China Federation of...

18 December 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the outcome of the vote for the positions of one (1) coordinator and two (2) vice...

Apertura votazioni on-line e partecipazione all’Assemblea Generale Elettiva
20 March 2015

Cari Soci,

Di seguito il Bilancio Consuntivo 2014 verificato dai nostri revisori.

Assemblea Generale Elettiva 27 Marzo 2015 - Comunicazione Candidati
19 March 2015

Cari Soci,

Vi comunichiamo qui di seguito le candidature:

- Per la carica sociale di Consigliere della CCIC per la Circoscrizione di Pechino:


Matteo Oppici - Chief Operating Officer, Euroidea/Smeg China

Comunicazione dimissioni Fiorenzo Brioschi
18 March 2015

Cari Soci,


Comunichiamo che il Consigliere di Shanghai, Fiorenzo Brioschi, ha rassegnato le proprie dimissioni.


Habitour - The new App for travellers
18 March 2015

Habitour smart-phone App revolutionizes the texture of travelling by introducing tourists to native local life and hard-to-find gems worldwide.

China-Italy Chamber of Commerce_Tell us how to improve our services!
12 March 2015

Dear Members, dear Customers

China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.

Italian Hospitality - Italian Restaurants in the World
11 March 2015

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform that the 2014-2015 edition of the project “ITALIAN HOSPITALITY, ITALIAN RESTAURANTS IN THE WORLD” has now officially started!

Establishment of the Italian School in Beijing
10 March 2015

We are glad to announce that the Embassy of Italy in the PRC obtained the approval by Chinese Institutions to establish the Italian School in Beijing.


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