Latest News

26 August 2024

Con la presente si convoca l’Assemblea Elettiva suppletiva per l’elezione delle cariche di 1) Vice Presidente e 1) Consigliere ...

23 August 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) successfully held its Monthly Networking Dinner on Wednesday, August 21st at Cellar to Table, in ...

22 August 2024


Buyers' Night November 24th
18 November 2015

On November 3rd, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce organized the Buyers’ Night, an exclusive tasting and networking event.

èItalia 110
18 November 2015

Dear Members,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) in cooperation with Assocamerestero and with the Italian Chamber of Commerce Abroad (CCIE), edits “èItalia”, magazine published in Italian an English aiming at promoting Made in Italy throughout the World and targeting the italian business community living abroad.


Suzhou Christmas Dinner
17 November 2015

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to our annual Suzhou Christmas Dinner.

Participate with your family, friends and business partners to network with the sino-italian business community and to enjoy a fun occasion to gather together before the holidays.  

Post event - Italian Hospitality Awarding Ceremony 2015
13 November 2015

China, Italian Hospitality: awarding and rewarding the quality.
November 11th 2015, Shanghai

Call for input_Tematic Workshops on credit, customs and e-commerce
13 November 2015

The Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C together with Agenzia ICE and China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is launching a survey amongst Italian companies in order to organize three thematic workshops about credit, customs and e-commerce.

HOMI 2016
09 November 2015

Once more the China–Italy Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of Fiera Milano, is organizing the participation of Chinese business operators to “Homi 2016”, that will be held from January the 29th 2016 to February the 1st 2016 in Milan, at FIERA MILANO SPA.



Signa Maris, l'Italia che il mare racconta
07 November 2015

Signa Maris.

Un progetto del Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo (MiBACT) - Organismo Intermedio del POIn “Attrattori culturali, naturali e turismo” per la promozione delle ricchezze culturali, naturalistiche ed enogastronimiche del territorio italiano proponendo un nuovo sistema turistico che unisce ed integra mare e terra.

Invitation to EU Tastes of Europe 2015 - China Campaign
05 November 2015

The aim of the EU Tastes of Europe 2015 - China Campaign, supported by the European Commission, is to promote European agricultural products carrying a Geographical Indication (GI) – either Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) or Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) – among Chinese consumers and professionals.

China through the Telescope - Post Event
05 November 2015

Venerdì 18 Settembre 2015 si e' svolto a Chongqing l'evento inaugurale del ciclo di seminari China through the Telescope, iniziativa ideata e coordinata dal Galileo Galilei Italian Institute centro italiano creato e gestito dalla Scuola Sant'Anna, operante nel campus della Chongqing University dal 2007.

Chongqing Entrepreneurship Forum - Post Event
03 November 2015

Last October 29th the Rose Garden Villa hosted the first Chongqing Entrepreneurship Forum.

Event co-organized by The French Chamber of Commerce, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and The Bruno Group.


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