Latest News

26 August 2024

Con la presente si convoca l’Assemblea Elettiva suppletiva per l’elezione delle cariche di 1) Vice Presidente e 1) Consigliere ...

23 August 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) successfully held its Monthly Networking Dinner on Wednesday, August 21st at Cellar to Table, in ...

22 August 2024


Post Event: CICC`s Monthly Informal Meeting SGSO – May 8th, Shanghai
08 May 2018

Post Event: CICC`s Monthly Informal Meeting SGSO – May 8th, Shanghai

Quinta Edizione del Beijing Career Day - Programma e Job Offers
08 May 2018

Quinta Edizione del Beijing Career Day - Programma e Job Offers

Informativa: Belt&Road Summit, HK - 28-29 Giugno 2018
07 May 2018


Iniziativa “Belt & Road Initiative: Missione Imprenditoriale Italiana ad Hong Kong”, 28/29 Giugno 2018, Hong Kong.

Sino-Italian Workshop on Green Tech - 3rd of May 2018, Shanghai (IE Expo 2018)
04 May 2018

Promozione iniziativa: “Sino-Italian Workshop on Green Tech – Italy responds to Green Hills and Blue Water calling” presso IE Expo 2018.

Call for Tenders - "Inter Airport China 2018" and "China AirShow 2018"
03 May 2018

Call for Tenders - "Inter Airport China 2018" and "China AirShow 2018"

Post-event: Doing Business in China, Politecnico di Milano, April 26th-27th
28 April 2018

For the third consecutive year the China Italy Chamber of Commerce has contributed to the organization of activities related to Politecnico di Milano’s annual visit to China, as part of the “Doing Business in China” EMBA and GEMOS exchange programs with Beijing Jiaotong University.

Post-event: World Intellectual Property Day - April 26th, 2018
26 April 2018

Post-event: World Intellectual Property Day - April 26th, 2018

SAVE THE DATE! April 26th, Shanghai - “Invest in Italy: new Italian visa for investors” Seminar
26 April 2018

SAVE THE DATE! April 26th, Shanghai - “Invest in Italy: new Italian visa for investors” Seminar

Informativa: Missione PMI nelle province cinesi Liaoning & Shandong, 19-22 giugno
25 April 2018

​Missione PMI nelle province cinesi del Liaoning e dello Shandong.

Important notice: CICC website out of service for 48 hours
25 April 2018

CICC website out of service from Saturday April 28th at 24:00 to Monday April 30th at 24:00 due to maintenance.


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