Latest News

26 September 2024

We are officially calling for candidates for the elections of the Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators of the Healthcare Working Group (CICC HCWG)...

26 September 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce the launch of its 2025 Membership Campaign, starting on October 1st, 2024.

24 September 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce the candidates for the FBWG Extra-ordinary Election 2024-25.

MEWG Apericena with topic: Outlook for 2023
28 February 2023

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and its Mechanical and Engineering Working Group (MEWG) are pleased to inform you that the networking event "MEWG Apericena with topic: Outlook for 2023" took place in Shanghai on Tuesday, February 28, at the Italian restaurant Senso starting from 6:30 pm.

CCIC Meets with Sichuan Provincial Department of Commerce
28 February 2023

On February 24th, 2023, the Vice President for Southwest of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Mr Gianluca Luisi, met with Ms Xiong Jinhua, Director of the Services Trade and Business Services Division of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Commerce.

9° Consiglio Direttivo CCIC a Shanghai e Incontro Soci Area Est
28 February 2023

Il 23 febbraio 2023 il Consiglio Direttivo della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina si è riunito a Shanghai per la nona riunione del biennio 2022-24.

Seminar on "Innovation & Technology in Healthcare", February 25th
25 February 2023

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), along with its Healthcare Working Group (HCWG) and Innovation and Technology Working Group (ITWG), is pleased to inform you about the success of the seminar "Innovation & Technology in Healthcare".

Delegazione della CCIC in missione nella Provincia dello Hunan
22 February 2023

Il 20 e il 21 febbraio 2023, una delegazione di Sistema composta dal Console Giorgio Daviddi, del Consolato Generale d'Italia a Guangzhou, e da Vinicio Eminenti, Consigliere Area Sud della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina, ha incontrato istituzioni e partner della città di Changsha, nella Provincia dello Hunan, con l'obiettivo di consolidare e rafforzare la presenza della nostra struttura in questa importante area della Cina.

Delegazione della CCIC in missione nella Cina meridionale
20 February 2023

Dal 15 al 17 febbraio 2023, una delegazione della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina ha incontrato istituzioni e partner chiave nelle città di Guangzhou e Shenzhen, con l'obiettivo di consolidare e rafforzare la presenza della nostra struttura in questo importante territorio.

Assemblea Elettiva Straordinaria: eletti Vice Presidente e Consigliere Pechino
17 February 2023

Assemblea Elettiva Straordinaria elegge Vice Presidente della circoscrizione di Pechino e Consigliere della medesima circoscrizione

Progetto SILK2FVG PLUS: Il Settore Agroalimentare
16 February 2023

La prima sessione sull’agroalimentare ha visto la partecipazione di esperti di settore con un focus su Salumi e Formaggi, Caffè e vino.

Neos Commercial Flights: Reservations Open for February and March
15 February 2023

CICC members are entitled to preferential fares and reserved seats on the weekly commercial flights operating from Milan Malpensa to both Tianjin and Nanjing.

Company visit: Yizumi Precision Machinery Co., Ltd., Suzhou
08 February 2023

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), together with its Mechanical Engineering Working Group (MEWG), is pleased to announce the successful completion of a new session of the Company Visit Series held on February 7, 2023. 


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