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09 January 2025

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to extend its warmest invitation to the 2025 Nanjing Appreciation Meeting, which will be held on January 9th, 2025, in Nanjing.

Nanjing, a city steeped in history and culture, is quickly emerging as a global center for industrial and technological innovation. With a strong emphasis on international collaboration, it continues to attract foreign investments and welcomes a growing number of international enterprises.

13 September 2016

After the success of the first two appointments of the Business Chinese Evening Workshop, we are ready to start again with the new sessions of the fall-winter season!

13 September 2016

Cari Soci,
In prossimità dell’inizio della nuova campagna associativa e per presentare le attività in calendario nella seconda metà dell’anno, stiamo organizzando un incontro tra gli imprenditori della circoscrizione di Pechino.
L’incontro si terrà Martedì 13 Settembre alle ore 18:00 presso il ristorante La Dolce Vita (2F Friendship Youth Hotel, 43 Sanlitun Bei Lu, Chaoyang district - 朝阳区三里屯后街青年酒店2楼/3.3大厦后面)
A seguire, aperitivo italiano a buffet.
In agenda:

08 September 2016

The China - Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the following event:

01 September 2016

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the following seminar:

Date: Thursday, September 1st

Time: 16:00 – 18:00

Venue: Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai Hotel

Price: Free of Charge, limited to 40 people – manufacturing companies welcome. Priority to CICC Members


01 September 2016

Dear EU SME:

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is delighted to invite you to join the 2016-2017 First Inter-Chamber SME Working Group meeting in Beijing on 20th September 2016 organized by the EU SME Centre and the European Union Chamber of Commerce.

SME Policy Updates and Discussion of Compliance

01 September 2016

The China - Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the following event:

31 August 2016

Dear Members,
Given the proximity of the new membership campaign and in order to introduce the new activities for the next semester, the CICC is organizing a meeting with the business persons in the Beijing area.
The meeting will take place on September 13th, 6 pm, at the Italian restaurant La Dolce Vita (2F Friendship Youth Hotel, 43 Sanlitun Bei Lu, Chaoyang district - 朝阳区三里屯后街青年酒店2楼/3.3大厦后面)
An Italian buffet dinner will follow.
Shanghai “Raduno imprenditori” Follow up (June 17th-18th 2016)

24 August 2016

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with 16 leading foreign chambers in Beijing, is delighted to invite you to our traditional All Chamber Welcome Back Networking.


For this edition, NUO Hotel Beijing, one of the newest and most luxurious hotels in China's capital, will be our host.

15 August 2016

Ferragosto is coming! The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce invites you to celebrate with us and AGIC Shanghai on August 15th at our "Ferragosto Rooftop Cocktail Party"!

Enjoy summer in the city by drinking fine Italian wines, and tasting delicious food in a fabulous terrace in the very heart of Jing'An district.




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