Mechanical Engineering Working Group (MEWG)


Riccardo Budriesi

CEO at Marposs (Shanghai) Technologies Co., Ltd.


Mirko Turrina

General Manager of Goglio (Tianjin) Packaging Co., Ltd.


Tiziano Sandonini

Board Member at Santoni (Shanghai) Knitting Machinery Co., Ltd.


Ke Da

General Manager, Thermowatt China

WG Presentation: 
No document available
Next scheduled meeting: 
WG Specs: 
No document available


The MEWG represents the interest of all Italian companies in China working directly or indirectly in the sector on a national base.

MEWG objectives are:

  • coordinate and promote all Italian members’ needs which are active in many different industries of the Chinese mechanical engineering sector (machinery, automotive, component manufacturers, mechanical engineering …);
  • promote and raise awareness on the size and the importance of the Italian technology in the sector to all institutions in China and Italy that are our natural counterparts, in order to develop business opportunities;
  • coordinate and promote activities and events that boost the visibility and the image of “Technology Made in Italy”;
  • inform all members on the topic Made in China 2025, particularly with regard to risks and opportunities for Italian businesses;
  • become a reference for all mechanical engineering companies within the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), lobbying private and public institutions active in the Chinese market. 


For more information, please contact

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